Dr. Ben Carson a Real Life Gifted Example

A Man Who is Living His Gift

Gifted learning does not always equal real life living. As a mom to a child with gifted and talented abilities, I am cautiously optimistic about his future. When you read stories of those who have or are living with such abilities you often hear that when they reach adulthood, many seem to struggle to find their way in society. 

This is often due to emotional intensity and/or asynchronous behavior. So as a mom I wonder at my child’s advanced abilities, and worry about helping him to become an active member of society. 

Dr. Ben Carson will Speak at GHCIt isn’t often that you hear amazing stories, where someone with such abilities becomes not only an active society participant but one who has blazed trails setting the medical field on fire with his developments. On top of that, you almost never hear of someone who also is vocal in the political arena AND, above all else, gives credit and glory to God for all that he is and has been able to do. 

Dr. Carson Live at Great Homeschool Convention

Dr. Ben Carson to speak at GHC

So when the opportunity comes along to sit at the feet of and listen to such a man, knowing that you can learn much from him you might just go out of your way to hear what he has to say. 

That’s why my Beloved and I are planning to stay through Saturday evening at Great Homeschool Convention next month in Cincinnati.  Simply so that we can listen to this amazingly gifted man, Dr. Benjamin Carson, M.D.

He grew up in a single parent home in Detroit Michigan, and his mom encouraged him to read. Boy, did he read! He read himself into Yale University, followed by medical school at the University of Michigan. He became recognized world wide for his surgical abilities as a pediatric neurosurgeon. He has countless awards, accolades and honors. Yet, he speaks with both strength and humility that is seldom found in today’s society. 

Dr. Carson, like other gifted children, could have allowed circumstances to prevent him from living up to his potential. But he chose to follow where God led him. His story is one of hope and encouragement. 

I hope to listen to him and find inspiration and encouragement as I seek to home educate a child who exhibits gifted and advanced tendencies. This will be a time of learning for me, a homeschool mom trying to train up a gifted child to live in the real world and be able to use his talents and abilities to their fullest capacity. 

Follow UP:

I was able to hear Dr. Carson at the 2014 Great Homeschool Convention with my husband. We were both encouraged and inspired by his obvious intelligence and wisdom. Run, Ben, Run. 

Renee Signature 


Great Homeschool Conventions continues to offer a fabulous line-up of Homeschooling Speakers, vendors and encouragement. I’ll be at GHC Cincinnati again in 2015! 


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2 Replies to “Dr. Ben Carson a Real Life Gifted Example

  1. I’ve been a fan of Dr. Carson for many years, ever since I read his autobiography. He is an amazing example of a person who rose above his circumstances! I am going to TTD this year, but I very seriously considered going to GHC just to hear Dr. Carson. I hope he is on the schedule for next year!!!

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