Meal Planning at the Academy

 Meal Planning When Planning isn’t Your Plan

Meal planning when you don't like to plan, 10 day series by Renée at Great Peace Academy



I love to cook, but I don’t like to plan. 

When I worked full time outside the home I would do month long meal plans and did a pretty good job keeping up with them. Using monthly calendar meal planning helped me to stay on task.

After becoming a stay at home mom and homeschooling teacher, I grew tired of sticking with that type of schedule. In fact, generally speaking I’m not much of a planner. I began to just wing it with meals and started cooking whatever I fancied in the moment. I still do that nearly 9 SAHM and 6 HS years later.

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10 Days of Meal Planning at Great Peace Academy 

10 Days of Meal Planning When You Don't Like to Plan | Renée at Great Peace Academy

10 Days of Meal Planning When You Don’t Like to Plan is now available in a downloadable eBook.

Meal Planning When You Don't Like to Plan | Renée at Great Peace


How do you like to meal plan? Let me know your ideas about meal planning by leaving me a comment. I’d love even more meal planning encouragement.


Renee Signature


This 10 Days Post is a part of the iHomeschool Network Autumn Hopscotch


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2 Replies to “Meal Planning at the Academy

  1. I just downloaded your Menu Planning printables…genius! Hoping THIS will finally help me stay on top of my oh so ambitious goal of complete organization!!! Probably not, but hey, it’s a great start! Thanks for making them available!!!

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