
30 Days: Blog Readers & Leibster Award!

30 Days of Giving Thanks: Day 11

Thankful for my blog readers.

It was a little more than a year ago that I started blogging. It started out as a natural progression from writing notes on facebook. I wrote little notes for my friends to see what was happening in our homeschool. Those notes got longer and the ideas started flowing. That’s when I created this blog. I didn’t imagine that more than just a few close friends would ever read my posts. What I have found instead is a vast online community where people (mostly women) from all over the globe encourage and support each other in word. My public followers are few and I appreciate and am humbled by each and every one of you. At the same time, I have received many private messages from friends, family and church family alike from all over the world telling me how much they like my blog. I am always surprised by this. But I am also very thankful to know that God is allowing my “voice” to be read by so many. My hope is always that I can encourage you in your daily walk and that In all things I will bring glory to the one who has given me the ability to write, my Heavenly Creator, Father and King.

Romans 12:6

“Having then gifts differing according to the grace that is given to us, let us use them:…”

Most Holy One, I am humbled that you have blessed me with the gift of writing. I am thankful that you have led me to this outlet of blogging where I can share that gift with others. May every word, thought and deed expressed here be a reflection of the relationship that I have with Christ Jesus and may I honor and glorify your Holy Name through Him.

I am thankful dear Father for those who read and follow this blog. I am thankful that in whatever way and for whatever reason they have interest in what I have to say. May I honor you and not myself with my words. I am grateful for each soul that reads here and pray that they will find blessing, encouragement and truth in the reading. I pray your exceeding blessings reach their hearts and they be lifted up and find courage for their journey. Through His, your Holy Son’s Name I pray.

This Week @ Great Peace Academy

This Week @ Great Peace Academy

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I’ve been nominated for a Leibster Blog Award.  This is a blogger to blogger award. You accept the award by agreeing to participate! I agree! I was nominated by Tracy at “My Daily Walk in His Grace.” Thank you Tracy, I am humbled by your nomination.

The Leibster Blog Award seems to be one of those, no one knows for sure who started it, kind of awards. My quick research shows it was most likely started by a German blogger around 2010. It’s sort of a blog linking blog award given to blogs that have fewer than 200 followers.  The word “Leibster” is German and means, beloved, dearest, favorite. So I am very thankful to Tracy for choosing my blog as one of her favorites!

The Rules:

1. List 11 facts about yourself.

2. Answer the 11 questions given to you. 

3. Create 11 new questions for the bloggers you nominate for the award.

4. Choose 11 bloggers with 200 or less followers to nominate. 

5. Go to each bloggers page and let them know about the award.

6. Thank the person who nominated you and link back to their blog, (No linkbacks). 

11 Facts About Myself

1. I am  a princess, the daughter of The King.

2. I love being married. 20 years together and stronger than ever.

3. I’m the mom of 1 beautiful son, my gift from the Father.

4. I love chocolate but sadly can’t eat  it because it makes me sick.

5. I think the most beautiful place I’ve ever seen is at the top of a mountain surrounding Holly River State Park in Hacker Valley, West Virginia.

6. I have a great desire to travel around the globe, with no pre-set plan for one full year.

7. My pinky fingers curve outward.

8. I’m proud to be a West Virginia Mountaineer.

9. My graduating class totaled 27.

10. I’m a coal miners daughter

11. I am literally from the hometown of rednecks. You can read about it’s history in this book.

Questions Tracy has for Me.

1. Who has inspired you the most lately? My Friend Karen

2. What is your favourite type of movie? Old classic romantic comedies, I’m talking Cary Grant and Audrey Hepburn.

3. What is your favourite book of the bible? Acts the book about the establishment of my spiritual family.(Although I must say my favorite changes often)

4. Who would you like to have lunch with? My mom. I don’t live close enough to have lunch with her often enough. Wish I could do so once a week.

5. Favourite place to be right now. The Inn at Cedar Falls

6. If you could change anything about yourself what would it be? I’d like to be a better listener.

7. What is your favourite type of food? This changes with my mood, but right now I’d have to say: gourmet cupcakes.

8. How has blogging impacted your life? (try answer that one in a sentence, lol) I never imagined that blogging would become a source of emotional and spiritual outpouring, but it has.

9. What is your next bloggy goal? To start a regular shared bible study with other bloggers.

10. What would you change in your neighbourhood right now? Nothing. My neighborhood is a quiet place in the country. The house itself on the other hand…

11. What is a quirk about yourself that you secretly love? When I’m falling asleep I rest my thumb on my chin. 😉

My Questions for My Nominees:

1. What is the most picturesque place you have ever seen?

2. What is your favorite hymn?

3. Tell me in one word what you love about your husband?

4. Who is your favorite person in the Bible and why?

5. What is your best memory of childhood?

6. Where would you go if money were not a factor?

7. Which do you prefer, grilled or fried chicken?

8. What is your favorite art/craft supply?

9. Do you have a favorite bird? If so what is it?

10. Who has been your greatest mentor?

11. What led you to the blogging world?

My Nominees Are:

Go ahead! You deserve the Award! Get Started, see what your blog friends are all about! And a very Special Thank YOU! To Tracy at My Daily Walk in His Grace

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