5 Day Marriage Challenge | Win the Love of His Heart, Again
Do you ever feel concerned that your losing grasp on your marriage? In a time where divorce is as easy as a simple signature on a piece of paper, we must truly be diligent to secure our marriage relationships. Scroll down to join in this 5 Day Marriage Challenge.
As homeschool moms, we often find ourselves caught up in the day to day role of parent and teacher and before we know it we look around and our marriage has taken a back seat to our children. It’s just easier to focus on them, than it is to focus on him.
We must remember that our first role, is to honor God through Christ.
Our second is to submit to, respect and love our husbands; Ephesians 5:22-33, Colossians 3:18,19, 1 Timothy 3:11, Titus 2:4,and 1 Peter 3:1 all give us instructions on how to approach our role as wife.
But if we allow ourselves to be so consumed with our children that we fail to honor our marital relationship we run the risk of losing love.
That’s why this week I’m challenging you with a 5 Day Marriage Challenge. Starting today, we will explore 5 daily challenges to help you learn to focus your energies on your husband.
Learn to reconnect with him and win the love of his heart all over again. That’s not to say, you’ve lost his love, it’s just to say that keeping the flame ignited is always important.
If you have a desire to strengthen your marriage or cultivate a deeper love with your spouse then join me in this marriage challenge. f
Follow each Link for the 5 Day Marriage Challenge
Day 1: Think About How You Dress
Day 2: Focus in on His Needs/Likes
Day 3: Oh Be Careful with Your Mouth
Day 4: Commit to Prayer
Day 5: Marital Intimacy, Get a Sitter
Marriage is an honorable relationship. For your marriage to continue growing stronger, drawing closer to each other, you have to work at it.
You have to decide that you won’t give up. You have to decide that your relationship is more important than any other relationship on this earth and strive to develop a stronger bond with your spouse.
Are you ready to take the challenge? Start by clicking day 1 in the above list. You’ll learn to prioritize first things by realizing that your marriage is your first priority with the only exception being your spiritual relationship to the Lord.
This post series is a part of iHomeschool Network’s Summer Hopscotch.
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