
5MF: Bare Before the Lord

It’s 5-Minute Friday. Join us as Lisa-Jo hosts hundreds of bloggers sharing their 5 minute thoughts on one topic.

Five Minute Friday

Today’s Topic: Bare


Bare. Have you laid you soul bare before the Lord?
Have you poured forth your every thought, your every hope, your every sin at His feet and trusted that He would fill you with grace so sufficient that you would be cleansed? Have you bared your heart of it’s burdens and been washed clean in His waters of baptism? Have you given your heart to Him and trusted, ever trusting Him to love you despite your bare sin.

Have you?

I lay before Him, bare and pure because of Christ Jesus. He gave His life, bare, raw and in a way that was complete, not for sins which were his own but for me. Because of him, I am barren cleansed within and without of the stain of sin as I stand bare and clean heart, soul and strength in Him.


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