A Few of My Favorite Homeschool Things
Homeschool Materials Every Mom Should Have

I think every homeschool mom has a few items that she has in her schoolbag or room which are her favorites and helps her to feel like she is a legit educator. Don’t take me too seriously by that previous statement. I know what I am doing is legit, and I also know it’s the right decision. But I am only human and occasionally doubt like everyone from time to time.
These are my favorite homeschool things, so I’m sharing some affiliate links along with them so you can find them at your fingertips.
Colored Sharpie Markers
I love the way these feel in my hand and the straight bold line they leave behind. I love all the amazing colors they have and stare longingly at more every time I’m in Office Max.
Scotch Thermal Laminator
I bought one of these for myself and a dear friend this past fall for our birthdays. I am so amazed at how often I use it. It has become a staple in our school. Looking back I wish I had bought it much sooner!
Unframed Chalkboards

The Ultimate Homeschool Planner
by Deborah Bell

It’s taken me to the 5th year of our homeschooling journey to find a planner that works for me. This one does.
The Homeschool Experiment by Charity Hawkins

A novel that I loved. It made me laugh out loud literally. My husband bought it for me last year at convention. LOL, that’s all I’m saying. But, you can read my previous review, here.
My School Desk Calendar

Battery Powered Pencil Sharpener

My next wished for sharpener.
What are some of your favorite homeschool things?