The Ultimate List of American Study Resources for Middle School

Plus a Bonus American Study FREE Download

Have you ever thought about how the time span between Memorial Day and Independence Day is a great time period to do an American Unit Study? There are so many directions you can go with such a study. It could be governmental based, military based, geographical, historical, great men of America, great women of America, pivotal moments in America, like I said, so many directions. 

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The Ultimate List of American Study Resources | Great Peace Academy

That’s why I wanted to put together a Unit study this year as a review for my son. We simply aren’t quite complete with our required hours due to the family crisis we’ve been dealing with over the last 5 moths, we will need to work through June. At the same time, we’ve reached a good generalized stopping point for the curriculum we use, America the Beautiful, from Notgrass History. We’ll complete the second half next year.

As always we usually slow a historical study way down so he can dive in fully so I never expected to complete a year long curriculum in one year, we never do. But there isn’t any way we can complete it in one month either so we will do book 2 next year. 

Still that leaves 4 weeks of study that needs to be completed to meet the hours that Ohio requires. So I’m planning to take time exploring America in a hands on way, using unit studies, field trips, lapbooks, or whatever interest directed path my son chooses. That’s why I’ve been pulling together a variety of resources for studying the United States of America. 

While your here do me a favor. 1. Pin this post, because you can’t possibly remember all these links, and it will make for an easy reference for the futher. 2. Share with your homeschooling friends: It’s a big post and I’m sure they can benefit from some of the resources available. and last 3. Check back, this will be a growing list as I find new great things to study I’ll come back and add them here. 

American History

Native American History

American History Unit Studies & Lapbooks

Featured Study: 27 Week Chronological Study Tina’s Dynamic Homeschool Plus


American Presidents Notebooking Pages

History of American Immigration 

  • Free Jamestown Unit Study – Harrington Harmonies
  • Ellis Island – History of Immigration to the United States (1890-1920)_ Award Winning Documentary 

American Wars and Military

Featured Resource: What Caused WW1 Adventures in Mommydom

American Geography 

Featured Resource: How We Use Our FREE 50 States Scrapbooking Pages Ed Snapshots

American Literature

American Presidents

Fun American Facts & Interesting Ways to Learn

100 Things to See and Do in Ohio
Featured Resource: 100 Things to See and Do in Ohio Ohio Homeschooling

American Flag

 Famous American People

Featured Resource: Discovering Neil Armstrong Milk & Cookies Blog

National Resources for Learning about America

Patriotic Themed Copywork Notebooking Pages


Free American Study Download

Mary Beth from Road Trip Teacher, has graciously offered YOU a FREE download of their A Patriot’s Guide to the 4th Of July!  To receive your free download, simply click the image below. Be sure to stop over and visit with the folks at Road Trip Teacher, take a look at all of their great products and be sure to let them know that I sent you. You can also find them on these social media sites: Facebook, Pinterest, Twitter, and YouTube

American Study, A Patriots Study Guide of the 4th of July | Great Peace Academy





What do you think are the best ways to teach your children about the amazing America that we live in?

Renée at Great Peace Academy


32 Replies to “The Ultimate List of American Study Resources for Middle School

  1. We will be doing modern times this year including American history. I have prek, 2nd, 5th, 7th, and 8th.

  2. What a wonderful giveaway. Thank you for the chance to win. I have 4 children but twobthatbi would use fully with these books at the moment

  3. We love studying history and these resources will come in handy across the years. There are three girls in our family that will get a lot of benefit from these links. Thank you for rounding them all up. – Lori H
    Lori H recently posted…Z is for … ZentangleMy Profile

  4. Amazing list.. thank you!! Always looking for middle school resources. We, too, have had a detour in our homeschool year and planned on studies through July. This will be a perfect fit for Memorial Day through Fourth of July!

  5. I have two kids, aged 13 and 11 years old. We traveled from CA to the East Coast last fall visiting historical sites like Williamsburg, Jamestown, Gettysburg, Fort McHenry and DC. These resources will be totally helpful. Thanks for organizing and sharing them.

  6. I would use these resources with 2 children. We’re studying American History next year so this would be great.

  7. I Have a 10 Year old with me right now and a child who is an adult who wants to move near home and go to college. They both have Hands on learning styles and I am a very visual learner. My youngest does not like to write even if its using her hands but loves to cut and paste and is starting to get better with tracing or filling in the blanks. History was something I had problems learning in my past till I had a teacher who made it like jeapordy in class. Then I realized you could learn history through books and I have warmed up to it even more. I like my daughter to be interested in it and not force fed it. we love unit lessons because we can study it and move on when it feels like it is getting boring or repeating and still feel like we were successful at accomplishing something.
    Brook recently posted…Indian in the cupboardMy Profile

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