Why Art Appreciation Starts with Hands-On Art | Renée at Great Peace
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Why Art Appreciation Starts with Hands-On Art

 Art appreciation is a wonderful area of study and the earlier you start the greater appreciation your child will have for a variety of art forms. Exposing children to art, early in life is often not seen as important as it should be. Instilling an appreciation for art within your children encourages self-expression, exploration, self-esteem, logical thinking, creativity and imagination.

Wondering where to begin art appreciation in your homeschool? Discover why it's important to start with hands-on art projects for art appreciation. | Renée at Great Peace

Experiencing art early in their youth also teaches children to think outside the box and provides them with the courage they need to take risks.

Learning to appreciate something that you don’t understand is an almost impossible task. If you are hoping to instill art appreciation in your children, starting with a hands-on approach will give them the insight they need to begin to truly appreciate all the wonderful things art has to offer this world. 

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It helps them to develop their own artistic style and decide for themselves if they enjoy the process of making art, or if they’d rather be an observer of art. 

Hands on Art for Art Appreciation 

The first step when it comes to helping your kids to develop their personal art appreciation is to encourage them to participate in hands on art activities. This is due to the fact that children tend to gain a more in-depth appreciation for things they have enjoyed or even attempted themselves. 


They Learn to Value the Process

When your children create their own artistic masterpieces, they learn to value the process and all the work involved in art. There is a lot that goes into creating a beautiful piece of art.

When your children are involved in the process themselves, they are more likely to gain a large understanding of just how many steps and how much time and work it can take to create something with their hands. T

hey learn to value the artist, their time and their patience, when they themselves, have been in the artist’s shoes. 

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They Learn More About Art in General 

While hands on art helps your children to learn more about the process involved in creating art, it also helps them to gain knowledge about the different types of art.


Art is not just about putting pencil to paper, in fact, there are several different art forms.

These are all valid art forms. Allowing your children to participate in hands-on art, helps them to understand that there are several different kinds of art, far beyond finger painting.

This helps to increase your child’s understanding of art in general, but also helps them to appreciate different art forms. 


Art appreciation begins with hands-on art. Participating in hands on art activities, helps your children not only enjoy learning more about art, but it also helps them to understand the process and learn more about art in general.

That’s where it begins, but once your children begin to have an understanding of art appreciation, you can dig deeper and help them to learn more about art, art history, art philosophy and so much more. 

Read my The Ultimate Guide for Teaching Art in Homeschool for even more tips and ideas to teach art appreciation in homeschool.

By the time your kids are in high school they will have a great appreciation for all kinds of art, but they’ll have developed their own understanding and appreciation for what the kinds of art personally enjoy.  



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Why Art Appreciation Starts with Hands-On Art

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