15 Essentials Moms Should Keep in the Car in Winter
With each season it’s important to be prepared in the event that our car breaks down. Winter is no exception. There are 15 things that are essential to keep in your car in winter.
Winter will be here in no time and chances are that means snow and perhaps lots of it at times. There are some people that believe that their keys and a full tank of gas are all they need to hit the road during there winter months.

While sometimes you can get away with being underprepared, the winter is not usually one of those times. Things like ice, snow and cold temperatures can make winter driving far more dangerous and demanding than normal.
It is important to ensure that you are prepared for anything, especially when you hit the road in the winter months. No one wants to break down, or find yourself in a snow drift and not be prepared.
There are 15 things you should keep in your car in winter months to ensure your families safety.
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15 Items to Keep in Your Car in Winter Months
1- Snow Brush and Ice Scraper
It is important to have a good snow brush and ice scraper in the car during the winter months. Leaving snow and ice on your vehicle is dangerous to you and other drivers on the road. Make sure to clear the whole car off before driving.
2- Small Shovel
A collapsible or small shovel is an important thing to have in your vehicle in the winter. This is because it can come in handy if you find yourself and your car stuck in the snow.
3- Extra Winter Attire
Have extra winter attire in the vehicle like gloves, hats and scarves in case of emergency. No one wants to be stuck on the side of the road in the winter without them.
4- Emergency Reflectors or Flares
If you find yourself stranded on the side of the road this winter, you will want to have reflectors on hand to let emergency vehicles see where you are stopped.
5- Blankets
Blankets are fantastic items to have in the back of the car in in the winter. Kids get cold and they are easy and convenient to balance everyone’s temperature differences. But, in the case of an emergency. For example, if your car won’t turn on that means that your heater won’t work either. Having blankets to bundle under can help to keep you, and the family, warm until help arrives.
6- First aid kit
A first aid kit is a year-round essential to have in your car. You will want to have the ability to administer basic first aid if someone gets hurt, especially over the winter months when emergency vehicles may take longer to reach you.
7- A Flashlight
The days are much shorter in the winter. If you get stranded at night time, you will require a flashlight to increase your visibility to other drivers. And, to help you be able to see what’s wrong more clearly. Be sure to check the batteries so you can be assured the flashlight will work.
8- Jumper cables
A cars battery can be greatly affected by cold weather. It is a good idea to keep jumper cables on hand so that you can get your car started faster.
9- Sunglasses
The glare from the sun on the snow and ice can be blinding. While sunglasses are known as a summer accessory, they are also imperative to winter driving.
10- Small Tool Kit
A small tool kit and some knowledge of your vehicle can help you to fix small issues on your own and get on your way.
11- Cell Phone Chargers
Your phone should always be fully charged when driving in the winter. This will help to ensure that you can call for help if an accident happens.
12- Snacks and Water
If road conditions are not very good, you may have to wait for assistance when stranded. You won’t want to be without snacks or drinks while you wait.
13- Sand, Rock Salt or Kitty Litter
All of these things can help you when you find yourself stuck in the snow. This is because the coarseness of these things will aid your car when it comes to gaining traction.
14- Rope or Chain
Having a tow chain on hand can be extremely helpful if you find your car stuck in the snow.
15- Extra Windshield Washer Fluid
There is nothing more important about driving in the winter than viability. Keeping your windshield clear of snow, ice and dirt is important. Always have an extra container of windshield washer fluid in case your run out.
Bonus Tip:
Bottled Water. In the winter our bodies can dehydrate quickly. So if you are stuck on the side of the road it’s important to stay hydrated. Keep some extra bottles of water stashed in the car, and it wouldn’t hurt to have some protein bars, or nut packs too.
It is important to make sure that your vehicle is prepared to drive in the winter months. Having these items on hand can help in a major way this winter, making sure that you and your family are safe.
What have I missed? What essential items do you keep in your car in the winter months? Leave a comment and let me know.
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