• Set Your Minds Worship in Spirit and Truth, devotional thoughts at Great Peace Academy
    Blog,  Devotionals for Women

    Set Your Minds: Worship in Spirit and Truth

    O’ Worship the King Worship is not about ourselves. It is not about how we feel or how it makes us feel. Worship is to give honor to God through adoring reverence. Worship is about adoring HIM. We Praise Him through the act of expressing our adoration of HIM. Worship is not about me, it is not about you, it is about Him. Doing this requires us to humble ourselves and magnify Him. “I will praise the name of God with a song, an will magnify Him with thanksgiving.” Psalm 69:30.** When giving honor and praise to the God of all creation, how should we do so? In the book of John we…

  • Set Your Minds: Why Worship? Devotional Thoughts at Great Peace Academy
    Blog,  Devotionals for Women

    Set Your Minds: Why Worship?

    Why do we worship? We’ve previously looked at preparing our physical surroundings, preparing the things we need, preparing breakfast and preparing our minds. To continue on, I want to turn our focus to the purpose of worship as we learn to “SET YOUR MIND ON THINGS ABOVE.” Have you asked yourself, ‘Why Sunday?’ As we read through scripture we see that in the Old Testament from the very beginning God sanctified the Sabbath day. He set it apart as Holy because it was on the seventh day that He rested from all the labor that He had done. In a previous post I wrote about the importance of the First Day…

  • Prepare your Mind for Worship, devotional thoughts at Great Peace Academy.
    Blog,  Devotionals for Women

    Set Your Mind: Prepare Your Mind

    Over the course of this series I have shared with you some of the ways that I prepare for the Lord’s Day. I have done this because I know how difficult it is as mom’s to get our families ready, fed and out of the house and to the place of worship on time and most especially in the right frame of mind.     If you’ve been following you know that I have shared tips on preparing your home, preparing your clothing, and preparing your breakfast. Lest you think that I am only concerned with the physical preparations, I want to share with you the truth. I do all of…

  • Set Your Minds Preparing for Sanctification, Devotional Thoughts at Great Peace Academy`
    Devotionals for Women

    Preparing for Sanctification

    Set Your Minds: Sanctification  Preparing for Sanctification by Preparing  Your Hearts As mom’s we often are rushed on Sunday mornings. We have a lot to do getting a family ready, fed and out of the house in time for Bible class which can leave us feeling disconnected and without the proper frame of mind to go in to the Sacred Assembly to offer praise to our Father and Living God. So I am sharing a series of articles focusing on preparing our minds on things above; preparing our minds on service and praise to the Father.   This rushing around leaves us feeling disconnected, out of touch and hopelessly unprepared for worship.…

  • Set Your Minds: Preparing for Worship, Devotional Thoughts at Great Peace Academy
    Blog,  Devotionals for Women

    Set Your Minds: Making Lord’s Day Preparations

    Preparing for Worship For so many years, I felt like Sunday mornings were filled with rushing and lack of control. This was never my intention. I desire to be prepared both physically and spiritually to go into worship with a mind set to offer praise to the Father in humility of spirit.    Read all of the Set Your Mind Worship Series for Women.     As mom’s we often put the needs of our family ahead of our own needs. I found that for me, that extended especially to the mornings of the Lord’s Day; because I knew that it was the right thing to do, take care of…

  • A Mother's Role, Why You Should Discipline Your Child | Renée at Great Peace
    Bible Study,  Blog,  Christian Parenting,  Devotionals for Women

    A Mother’s Role and Why You Should Discipline Your Child

    From the earliest of ages, you can begin to discipline your child. The word discipline, means to disciple, to train to act in accordance with rules.   There are many forms of discipline, but the purpose of this discussion is to explore why you should begin to discipline your child from the earliest age and continue to teach, lead and guide discipline all the way to adulthood.   This post contains affiliate advertisement links.   We talk about the role of motherhood and understand that it’s a role that is immersed in protection. A mom cares for her child with diligence. But, that isn’t the only role that mothers are…

  • How to set your Heart Free from a Prison of Overabundance | Renée at Great Peace
    Blog,  Devotionals for Women,  Family,  Homemaking,  Marriage Moments

    How to Set your Heart Free from a Prison of Overabundance

    Are You Imprisoned by Abundance? Have you ever looked around at American culture and noticed how much we truly have? From grocery store shelves to transportation to technology, our choices seem endless. Secular education is available to all, and jobs exist in fields I would never have imagined. Yet, in all this overabundance we are dissatisfied. The Struggle with Overabundance Someone else always has a bigger income or a nicer house or more popular clothes. Women, especially moms, exist in a pressure cooker of expectations. We are expected to work outside the home because we are told that success means having more and better than everyone else, while at the…