Teaching Science with a Rabbit Trail
Exploring Science With My Gifted Learner Like math, my son loves science. He loves reading science books even when we aren’t in school. Within this post I am sharing links to affiliate products which I find to be beneficial to teaching science to my son. In fact, he asked me over the summer to buy Apologia’s Exploring Creation with Astronomy even though we were planning to do Swimming Creatures in our school. He didn’t want to switch to astronomy for the coming year, he wanted it just to read. He spent much of the summer simply reading the text book. That is exactly how science goes in our home. He…
Advancing Math Instruction
For the Gifted Homeschool Student Anyone who regularly follows this blog already knows that my son is advanced in Math. It comes easy to him and each and every challenge he is presented with he takes it head-on and doesn’t back down until he has mastered it. That’s why I am comfortable advancing him to work in areas which challenge his knowledge level. I love using Khan Academy to teach Math in my homeschool. In fact, I often get asked “How do you use it?” Many people think it is simply a place to find videos when in reality it is a complete program. They have additional subjects…
This Week…Voicing School Choice
Opinions Matter Hey everyone, I hope you are enjoying family time this week. My Beloved is home for the first weekend in months so we are looking forward to time together. Sorry the “This Week…” post is a bit late. Below I’ve shared a couple of resources through my affiliate links. If you think you might like them, check out there home on the web. For School this week we had a regular week. But I have begun to notice that my Little Man has begun to voice his opinions when it comes to areas of learning. He has an obvious desire to learn and he also works at an…
Math Defined with Dictionary
Making Math Simple I’m one of those homeschool moms who gets more than a little nervous about teaching math. It’s kind of scary in fact. I know I’m not alone in this, so often I hear moms say “I dread teaching upper level math.” For me upper level math started last year and continues this year. As an affiliate blogger for Prufrock Press I am so thankful that I was given to review Math Dictionary for Kids, written by Theresa R. Fitzgerald. Whenever we have questions about spelling, definitions of words, or even grammar we pull a dictionary off the shelf and at our fingertips we find the answers to…
How I Use Video Games in my Homeschool
Writing for The Homeschool Post Today Today you can find me at The Homeschool Post writing about how I use video games in homeschool. I’m also sharing some affiliate links below where you can purchase this and other video games. I recently shared with you that we are incorporating more discovery directed learning into our academy. One of the ways I am doing that is through video game design. Stop in at The Homeschool Post to read: Creativity with Video Games. You can see some of the ways that Little Man is exploring video game design on my YouTube channel. Do you allow video games in your homeschool? What are…
Science Study for Gifted Students
Overview of Survival on the Reef My favorite resource for gifted and advanced learning materials is Prufrock Press. So, I was thrilled as a reviewer and affiliate marketer when I was given a free copy of Survival on the Reef by Colleen Kessler in exchange for my honest review. At Great Peace Academy we are spending our school year exploring the animals that live in the waters of the earth. Because of that, I feelSurvival on the Reefis an excellent resource for my son who is a gifted learner to dive in and explore more information than is generally presented in text books. This activity book guides students in scientific…
This Week… Purposing to do Science & Math
Exploring Student’s Passions Disclosure: This post contains affiliate links. This Week… I ditched language arts, music, history, literature, art and more. I turned our school focus on just science and math. My son excels in these areas and sometimes it’s good to let our children explore their passions. Bible: We continued in our study of Samson and he learned that for every action there are consequences. The consequences of Samson marrying the wrong women, led to his destruction. HIs hair was cut, his eyes were plucked out, he was held prisoner. Eventually in destroying his enemies, he destroyed himself. Such a good lesson for a boy to learn. Science: Since…
This Week… Discovery Directed Learning Begins
Setting a Course for Video Games I love homeschooling, and when I find a product that works great in my homeschool I want to share it with you. To help with my homeschooling expenses, I use affiliate marketing on my blog. So you may see some affiliate links within this post which will direct you to external sites where if you choose you can purchase the items that I recommend. Doing so does not cost you any extra, it simply earns me a small commission. I assure you that I only recommend products that I feel are beneficial to me in my homeschooling family and that I think you may…