• Bible Study,  Gifted Homeschool

    Misdiagnosis of Gifted Children

    Moms Know Their Children Best As a homeschool parent to an advanced learner, I want to recommend products which I find to be beneficial to my son. I do this through affiliate links, please see my disclosure policy for full details. Thank you for your support of Great Peace Academy. I knew, as I sat in that doctor’s office when Little Man was 4 years old. I knew without a doubt that what was being spewed out of that doctor’s mouth, a doctor who literally had just walked into the room meeting us for the first time, was wrong, oh so wrong. As I tried with all of my being to say that…

  • Bible Study,  Christian Parenting,  Devotionals for Women,  Family,  Gifted Homeschool

    Acceleration: What is it?

    To Advance or Not to Advance? Very recently there has been a story running viral around the internet about the Harding family that has sent 6 children of their 10 children to college by age 12. You can see the story, from the Today Show News here: Meet the family who sent six kids to college by age 12 I’ve watched with fascination different people on facebook give their opinions as to whether they think this family is doing a great thing for their children or if they think they are simply nuts. I’ve watched and not commented even though every fiber of my being wanted to comment, support and…

  • Gifted Homeschool

    Little Man Asks: “Mom! What is…”

    Inquisitive Mind Wants to Know Little Man is constantly asking me questions that seem to come out of nowhere and throws me off guard, makes me think and often stumps me, requiring either further research or a frustrated, ‘go ask your dad.’ I want to share these questions with you, my readers, so you can share in the joy… This first posting will share several that have been asked over the last few weeks as best as I can remember them. 1. “Mom!, do you know what a cocklebur is?” I did not know what a cocklebur was, so we had to google it to find out. Here is the result.Wikipedia:…

  • Gifted Homeschool,  Homeschool

    Proficiency Achieved: Onward, Homeschool Math

    Learning Math through Online Program         I don’t always toot the horn over accomplishments. I try to live humbly. But on Tuesday I wanted to shout from the rooftops because my Little Man achieved his Proficiency Badge in Algebraic Order of Operations at Khan Academy. He’s achieved several badges,  but this is the one that led us to Khan Academy in the first place. So I am very excited for him.    He and I are loving Khan Academy. For me, I love the freedom that I have in watching him learn and grow in his knowledge of math without feeling pressured to be the one to…

  • Big Emotions, emotional intensity in gifted children.
    Bible Study,  Christian Parenting,  Devotionals for Women,  Family,  Gifted Homeschool,  Homeschool

    Little Man Big Emotions

    Emotional Intensity in the Gifted Child I have been struggling this week and last as the teacher of a child with emotional intensity and asynchronous tendencies. Last spring I really began to research gifted and talented tendencies in children. First, let me say that I believe all children have unique gifts and talents. This identification is in my opinion a misnomer. That being said, they are the terms used by educators, psychologists, pediatricians and scientist used to describe people who have a higher IQ than the average person. Beloved and I have not yet chosen to have our son’s IQ tested. Even among the experts there are very mixed opinions…

  • Discovering Gifted Education | Renée at Great Peace #homeschool #gifted #gtcat #ihsnet
    Blog,  Gifted Homeschool,  Homeschool

    Learning About Gifted Education

    Since Little Man was an infant my Beloved and I have marveled at his unusual abilities. We wondered how it was possible for him to do the things he could do. Others would use words like exceptional, gifted, highly gifted or even genius. We hesitated to speak those words out loud, after all every parent thinks their child is a genius. Right? But learning about gifted education puts everything into perspective. This post contains affiliate ad links. While still others who couldn’t accept that a child who is intelligent could also have intense emotions have tried to label with words and boxes that just don’t fit. I have always known…

  • Gifted Homeschool,  Homeschool

    Fear of What Comes Next

    Since he was very young I knew that I was dealing with a child of unusual abilities, especially when it comes to math. I sent him off to Montessori pre-school thinking they would help me get a handle on his unusual ability to retain numbers, he was four at the time and already knew and understood the concepts of both addition and subtraction.  Then one day out of sheer frustration, because I could see he hungered for more, I started showing him the multiplication facts. Within an hour he had memorized all of the facts to 10X10. Yep, you read that right, at age 4 he learned the multiplication table. Within…

  • Gifted Homeschool,  Homeschool

    Who is Teaching Whom? Gifted Teaching

    Multiple Grade Level Learning   You would think that home education with only one child would get monotonous, same old stuff day in and day out. I will admit, that sometimes during the winter months it can feel like that. Most of the time, however, the excitement I see on my son’s face as he learns new concepts, is just about the most fascinating thing I’ve ever seen. A little history here. We first noticed that our son was a bit unusual at around 20 months when he first learned to spell his name. Soon after that he learned to say the alphabet both forward and backward. By 2, he…