How to Organize a Simple Homeschool Command Center
After sharing a photo on Instagram and Facebook yesterday, I got several requests to share more information about my new homeschool command center. So below, I’m sharing details for how to organize a simple homeschool command center. It’s so easy it’ll work in even small spaces. All you need is some clipboards, and a wall. Don’t miss my other homeschooling tips & tricks. This week we started back to school. And, it’s 9th grade for my young man! I wish I had been more proactive about preparing his 9th grade classroom. I could say that I was fully prepared for my son’s first day of High School. But, I have to admit that I was…
We’re Homeschooling High School and Our 9th Grade Curriculum Picks
Ninth Grade y’all, seriously! I don’t think I’m ready for this and when I sit down and think about homeschooling high school I have panic attacks. It reminds me so much of those first few years when I started homeschooling, and then discovering what giftedness looks like. I know this feeling is both an emotional response to him growing older and that overall lack of confidence that happens when we allow the worldly view of education to invade our thinking. Still, it’s where I am at the moment. I know I’ll get over it just as I’ve done before and as we settle into the new school year I know…
Homeschool Writing Curriculum with Real World Application
I’ve struggled for years to get my son to write. I mean, he knows how to write, but he doesn’t like writing, the writing process or even coming up with ideas for writing. It really doesn’t matter if it’s a topic he enjoys or not. The idea of putting his thoughts into written form has always been difficult. This has been the struggle regardless of the variety of writing curriculum I’ve chosen in the past. Over the years I’ve tried many things to introduce writing outside the curriculum box. This post contains affiliate ad links to 3rd party sites where products purchased may result in paid compensation for this blogger.…
Teaching Employment Life Skills to Your Gifted Teen
The skills required to get and hold a job far exceed mental abilities. Being able to manage a task list, and communicating effectively are often more prevalent in the job front than skills which are attained through vocational education. But when you really look at your gifted teens, are you seeing that they have developed those type of skills? Teaching employment life skills is a must if we want our kids to become successful adults. This post contains affiliate links to 3rd party sites where products purchased may result in paid compensation for this blogger. ► Day 5 – On the Job Front I’m sure you think your son…
Teaching Personal Care Life Skills to Your Gifted Teen
I find my son’s personal care skills quite fascinating. If he has a regular routine he accomplishes his personal care very adeptly. But, if I add a new requirement, or make changes to his routine, he gets frustrated, and forgetful. It’s really got me thinking about his adulthood and knowing that whatever routines I help him establish now, as a teenager, will carry him into college, and adulthood. This post contains affiliate links to 3rd party sites where products purchased may result in paid compensation for this blogger. ► Day 4 – Personal Care Skills I’m really examining areas that might need improvement. What is acceptable for…
Teaching Household Management Life Skills to Your Gifted Teen
It’s kind of scary to think about sending my son out into the big world as an adult. I mean, he sometimes forgets to change his clothes. I do know that when he has a standard routine, he’s excellent at remembering to do his tasks. That’s why I think focusing the next few years on building regular routines for him to do, and add to as he gets older, will set him up to be successful at household management as an adult. This post contains affiliate links to 3rd party sites where products purchased may result in paid compensation for this blogger. Day 3 – Household Management Life Skills…
Teaching Finance Management Life Skills to Your Gifted Teen
I’m continuing to explore life skills to teach gifted teens. As my son gets older there are some obvious ones that are presenting themselves, and others that I’m sure I’m likely to miss. When it comes to life skills, finance management is a pretty important one. This post contains affiliate links to 3rd party resources where products purchased may result in paid compensation for this blogger. ► Day 2 – Finance Management Beginning to understand finance management starts with understanding the basics. Knowing the difference between income, expenses and how to balance the two is pivotal for money Practical Money Skills Of course when teaching finance management any free resources make…
Cooking 101 Life Skills for Gifted Teens
Day 1 – Cooking Life Skills If you are joining me from the iHomeschool Network 5 Day Hopscotch, welcome. I’m talking about life skills you need to teach gifted teens and for this first day of the hopscotch I’ll be discussing cooking life skills. While anyone can benefit from the information shared because these are basic skills that any teenager needs, whether boy, or girl, the reality is I’m a homeschooling mom to a gifted teen son, and as such, will share stories and ideas relevant to his needs. This post contains affiliate links to 3rd party sites where products purchased may result in paid compensation for this blogger. I…