Homeschool Award Certificates
I’m sure you’re counting down the days until schools out for summer break. I know I am. As you are planning your end of the year activities do you ever marvel over the amazing things your children have accomplished during the year? It’s those moments when you remember your own childhood and those special moments in school when the principal announced the accomplishments for the year on awards day. A few years ago when my young man was in elementary, I had an idea to create Homeschool Award Certificates so homeschooled children can have their own accomplishments acknowledged.
You Can Work and Homeschool
Ever thought you’d like to homeshool, but, you can’t because you work? I’ve heard it time and time again. “We can’t afford for me to give up my job and stay home to homeschool.” Or, some sort of version of the statement. But, I think that we do what we truly want to do. If we don’t want to homeschool, we will not. If we want to talk ourselves out of what we think might be best, we will. If we want to homeschool, we find a way. I get it. Not everyone wants to homeschool. Honestly, it isn’t for everyone. But. But, you can if you decide to. You…
12 Homeschool Quotes for the Heart of a Mom
Homeschooling isn’t for the faint of heart. Well, that’s not entire true! I believe anyone can homeschool. But, everyone isn’t of a heart for it. Homeschooling is both hard and rewarding. It becomes easier over time then gets harder again around the high school years. Maybe harder isn’t the right word, maybe it becomes more intimidating. We all need a bit of encouragement from time to time which is why I’m sharing my favorite homeschool quotes to help motivate you. Be sure to download and print your free Homeschool Quote printable Scripture Art below. It’s this time of year when I start to feel bogged down, and I can see…
5 Disadvantages to Only Child Homeschooling
recently shared with you 5 Advantages of Homeschooling an Only Child and I truly think there are many reasons why homeschooling my only child is the right choice for our family. Some would say that it’s easier with one than with multiples and in some ways that may be very true. In other ways, maybe, not so much. In other ways, there are disadvantages to homeschooling an only child. . I wouldn’t be honest if I didn’t share those with you as well. The reality is there are advantages and disadvantages to every homeschooling situation. That’s because life comes with both pros and cons. But, we can’t allow the disadvantages…
5 Advantages of Homeschooling Your Only Child
I want to share with you 5 advantages of homeschooling an only child. Since I began homeschooling my only child I’ve discovered that there are some who have a bias toward only child parenting. Even more so against those who choose to homeschool that only child. For some, sheltering a child in the home and keeping them from public school will somehow hold them back, keep them un-socialized and in some ways make them disadvantaged. The reality is homeschooling an only child has both advantages and disadvantages. This post contains affiliate advertisement links. Homeschooling Your Only Child Advantages I Save on School Supplies. Homeschooling an Only Child means I only have to…
How to Start Teaching Music to Kids at an Early Age
Introducing music into your little one’s life while they are still young is incredibly beneficial to their healthy development. In fact, music can have a positive influence on a child’s emotional, social emotional, social, cognitive and physical growth in several positive ways. The benefits of introducing music to your little ones are exponential and the good news is that you don’t have to be an experienced musician to encourage their love of the musical world.
Comprehensive Music Appreciation for Elementary Homeschool
My son has a great hunger for music. Whether he’s learning at the piano, singing in worship, or studying the great classics he simply thinks in music. Which is one reason why homeschool music appreciation for the elementary years is so important. With his gifted mind gifted mind comes a rhythmic processing ability. Whenever he’s thinking, he’s humming, whenever he’s challenged he’s humming, whenever he is happy, he’s humming. So for me I want to feed his musical mind to help him to grow not only his ability to play, understand, and read music but also to have a good understanding of the way that great composers developed. I want…
8 Free Resources for Teaching Art Appreciation in Homeschool
Art appreciation can seem like a foreign field for parents who are homeschooling their kids. This could be because visual arts were not given high priority in the school systems we grew up in. But the reality is art appreciation isn’t as scary as it might seem. You can incorporate art appreciation as a unit study with history acting as the spine of the study. Or, you can choose to focus on art as it’s own subject for a quarter or two during the year. The key is to not be afraid to introduce art to your kids, but rather let them explore a variety of art in a variety…