• Flexible Homeschool App Makes Planning Easy | Renée at Great Peace #homeschool #planningapp #ihsnet
    Blog,  Homeschool

    A Flexible Homeschool App Makes Planning Simple

    Homeschooling today looks so different than when I first got started. My son is older and officially a high school homeschooler. With that our scheduling looks quite different. This coming year we’ll be doing piano, chess club, as well as physical training. Which means homeschool planning needs to be flexible.  Homeschooling is a different form of education. It allows us the freedom to educate at our own pace, take a vacation at various times throughout the year, and even drop what we are doing for an impromptu field trip. With all of this, we need the ability to shift and move events, lessons, and plans on the calendar without worrying…

  • Why Art Appreciation Starts with Hands-On Art | Renée at Great Peace
    Blog,  Homeschool

    Why Art Appreciation Starts with Hands-On Art

     Art appreciation is a wonderful area of study and the earlier you start the greater appreciation your child will have for a variety of art forms. Exposing children to art, early in life is often not seen as important as it should be. Instilling an appreciation for art within your children encourages self-expression, exploration, self-esteem, logical thinking, creativity and imagination. Experiencing art early in their youth also teaches children to think outside the box and provides them with the courage they need to take risks. Learning to appreciate something that you don’t understand is an almost impossible task. If you are hoping to instill art appreciation in your children, starting with…

  • 5 Best Articles for Homeschooling an Only Child 1
    Blog,  Family,  Homeschool

    5 of the Best Articles on the Web for Homeschooling an Only Child

    Do you homeschool an only child and feel like you are all alone in a sea filled with multiple child homeschoolers? I get it, but you are not alone. There are others out there like us. I’ve pulled together the best 5 articles on the web for homeschooling an only child and am sharing some additional resources for you as well.  This post contains affiliate advertisement links. Articles on the Web for Homeschooling an Only Child Homeschooling the Only Child – The Pros & Cons – Jamie at Simple Homeschool Advantages & Challenges of Homeschooling an Only Child – LeAnn at Hip Homeschool Moms Why Homeschooling an Only Child Rocks – Marcy at Ben and…

  • New Resource for Teaching Apologetics in Your Homeschool | Renée at Great Peace #homeschool #apologetics #fossils #science #ihsnet
    Blog,  Homeschool

    New Resource for Teaching Apologetics in Your Homeschool

    How often have you as a Christian homeschooling mom set out to introduce a science concept to your child and you find yourself doing a lot of eye-rolling about the content? I’m guessing it happens a lot. That’s because as Christians we believe in a creation worldview. We know the importance of teaching apologetics in homeschool but struggle to find balance in the content presented in science materials. We believe that the earth is young. We believe that most geology is a marvelous time capsule of historical events that we see clearly spelled out in the Bible. But, mainstream science is set to prove that we are wrong. Lack of Good…

  • 5 Unexpected Ways to Teach Music in Homeschool | Renée at Great Peace #musicappreciation #homeschool #ihsnet
    Blog,  Homeschool

    5 Unexpected Ways to Teach Music Appreciation in your Homeschool

    Teaching music appreciation is an important component to homeschooling. While many don’t believe this to be true, music appreciation can be just as vital as the core subjects you teach from home. Music can serve as a foundation of math learning. Music can inspire creative thinking, writing, and dramatic reading. Music can bring peacefulness to the school day, or lift spirits when the winter doldrums hit. Music can energize and get kids motivated to move.

  • 100 Books for Gifted Learners and their Parents | Renée at Great Peace #gifted #gtchat #giftedandtalented #giftedlearners #parentsofgifted #ihsnet #homeschool
    Gifted Homeschool

    Discover 100 Books for Gifted Learners

    Books for Gifted Children, their Parents, and Educators When I really began to embrace the fact that I have a child with gifted, talented and advanced learning abilities, I began researching. I didn’t always understand or find exactly what I was looking for but over time I began to have a general understanding of gifted education.    I know that many of you also are researching and I wanted to make it a bit easier for you by providing a list of books for gifted learning.  Below you will find 100 books organized by categories to help you as you parent, educate, or live the gifted life. Books for Gifted Parenting 10…

  • How to Foster Creativity in Gifted Children | Renée at Great Peace #gifted #homeschool #ihsnet
    Blog,  Gifted Homeschool

    How to Foster Creativity in Gifted Children

    Creativity can be a natural for many gifted children. Some seem to be born with an innate ability to draw, paint, build, or express ideas in a creative way. That said, creativity is also a skill than can be developed. In fact, creativity is a skill that parents can foster within their gifted children. The key is finding what your child is interested in, and then, providing them opportunity to explore that interest in creative ways. By fostering creativity within your gifted child, you can help them mature emotionally, mentally and socially. Allowing them to explore and create their own creative interests can also help them to build confidence. Creative…

  • Teaching Music Appreciation in Homeschool with 10 Free Piano Lessons Apps | Renée at Great Peace #musicappreciation #pianolessons #homeschool #ihsnet
    Blog,  Curriculum,  Homeschool

    Teaching Music in Homeschool with 10 Free Piano Lessons Apps

    As I’ve stated before, music appreciation curriculum doesn’t have to look like reading from books. Rather it’s about teaching music in the homeschool. These 10 free piano lesson apps allow kids to explore learning to play piano without you having to break the bank. It doesn’t have to be complicated. Sometimes you just have to let them explore making music. One of the best ways to explore a complex subject in homeschool without breaking the bank is through the use of learning apps. This is especially true for extra-curricular explorations such as piano lessons.  This post contains affiliate advertisement links. Learning piano is one of the best and most common music learning undertakings…