• Family,  Marriage Moments

    Marriage Moment: Surprise

    I love my dear Beloved man. Sometimes when I least expect it he surprises me in a way that just thrills me to my toes. This time I was not in any way thinking we would be where we currently are. We are sitting in a cottage in the beautiful Hocking Hills. We have come to our favorite getaway place The Inn at Cedar Falls. It’s surprising mostly because of his current work situation, I wasn’t expecting it even though tomorrow I turn the Big 4 0. Yes that’s right folks. I’m 40 years of age. I don’t mind turning 40, but a melancholy seems to have settled in over…

  • Marriage Moments

    Marriage Moment: Point System

    I often hear husbands and wives talk about earning brownie points. You, know when he fills up her tank with gas without being asked he earns points. Or when she makes his favorite meal for dinner he might say she earned some extra points. My question is why keep score? To earn points means you must start with a deficit. It means you do this for me and I’ll do that for you. I find this concept disturbing. I get it. I do see the humor in this. It’s all just fun and games. But ladies, marriage is not a game. Marriage is a covenant relationship between a man and…

  • Family,  Marriage Moments

    Marriage Moment: Wherever You Go

    With Beloved’s job ending at the end of this week, there are feelings of “what’s next” lingering around in our minds. This is not the first time we have had to consider what’s next in our lives. Most days that a person is granted the priviledge of waking up they can typically open their eyes and have some idea of what is expected to happen within the day. But nothing is certain in life. Sometimes half way through your day something happens that changes the course of your future as you know it. This is what happened 5 weeks ago when my husbands company announced that they were closing his…

  • Christian Parenting,  Family,  Marriage Moments

    Modest Adornment

    I currently am at a church conference in Sevierville, TN. This is our second year attending. While here, there is a dress code. The dress is to be modest, no shorts, short skirts or low necklines are allowed. Women are encouraged to wear skirts or dresses, but the length is to be respectfully at or below the knee. I must say it has been so refreshing as a wife and the mother of a boy to know that they are seeing only what is appropriate when looking around at those in attendance.Our society has become so completely unaware of what is modest and what isn’t. Those who still consider carefully their…

  • Family,  Marriage Moments

    Marriage Moment: I Choose

    It isn’t always easy. Marriage. When a bride and groom stand and say “For better or Worse.” I don’t think they generally have any clue what the worse could be. They see the better. It’s right in front of them complete with roses, chocolates and hormones. The worse comes later. When the wedding gifts have been opened, the people have gone home, and the honeymoon is over. It slowly shows itself when the work begins. We married young. I was just 19, and he 20. We were so broke. We thought love was all we needed. Then the electric bill came due and the rent. We were too broke for…

  • Marriage Moments

    Marriage Moment: We’re in This Together

    Most days that the Lord allows you to awake, you wake with certain knowledge of how your life is. Like knowing you have food, clothing and a home. I alluded in a previous post that life is unpredictable, but I did not expound upon that. A week and a half ago while going through the regular routine of my day, my husband called and asked me to pray. He and all the other employees where he works was informed that the company made the decision to cease operations on August 31. He and I woke up that morning with the certainty of his income only to discover that we were wrong.…

  • Family,  Marriage Moments

    Marriage Moment: Expectations

    I know that this post will cause some of you to go. “What!” You won’t believe that I would stand for it because you won’t understand that the topic is about something that was written in love for me and our marriahe. You may jugging-lyhink, Today I am linking up with  “How can a husband do that?” I’m talking about expectations. Early in our marriage, and I’m sure most marriages, there was discussion about who was responsible for what. Sometimes there would be arguments which stemmed from understanding what our roles were/are. One evening during such an argument I made a statement like, “What do you expect of me?” What…

  • Family,  Marriage Moments

    Marriage Moment: Taking the Words Right Out of His Mouth

    It’s My Marriage Moment again. I like to take a moment to encourage the institution of Marriage the way that God intended it. Marriage is a truly wonderful blessing and I hope that many more people will grow to find it as precious as I do. Tonight, finally, the air cooled off. Beloved loves to sit on the back porch in the late evening and just relax but lately it’s been too hot. Tonight however he went out. I followed closely behind craving that time alone with my spouse. I wanted to reconnect and have just a few minutes to talk. You do remember that before kids you used to…