• The Importance of Communication in Marriage | Renée at Great Peace #marriagemoments #marriage #biblicalmarriage #ihsnets
    Marriage Moments

    The Importance of Communication in Marriage

    Develop Better Communication in Marriage Communication is a big word. This is especially true when you are talking about communication in marriage.  It’s not always easy. Sometimes communication is one of the most difficult aspects of marriage. Which is why I wanted to share some practical tips for better, effective, communication in this marriage moment.  We live in a society where communication sits right at our fingertips. We tweet, text, post, email and blog. We put it all out there for the world to see. But, how often to we rely on our devices to acts as a buffer in the communication in marriage?   Have you ever wondered though…

  • 100 Ways to Have a Stronger Marriage | Renée at Great Peace #marriage #marriagemoments #homeschoolmoms #ihsnet
    Blog,  Marriage Moments

    100 Proven Ways to Have a Stronger Marriage

    A marriage is a living entity. It grows and changes over time. It is two people working together to in a symbiotic relationship. But, just as anything without proper sustenance, without proper care, it can become stagnant. That doesn’t mean it’s dead, it is still possible to grow a stronger marriage. Daily, you have the freedom to choose. You can decide to work toward stronger marriage. And, you can choose how you will love your husband. It’s a powerful choice. Your attitude about your marriage can serve as an essential building block for a long-lasting marriage. One that is sustained by love, joy and peace.  This post contains affiliate advertisement links…

  • How to set your Heart Free from a Prison of Overabundance | Renée at Great Peace
    Blog,  Devotionals for Women,  Family,  Homemaking,  Marriage Moments

    How to Set your Heart Free from a Prison of Overabundance

    Are You Imprisoned by Abundance? Have you ever looked around at American culture and noticed how much we truly have? From grocery store shelves to transportation to technology, our choices seem endless. Secular education is available to all, and jobs exist in fields I would never have imagined. Yet, in all this overabundance we are dissatisfied. The Struggle with Overabundance Someone else always has a bigger income or a nicer house or more popular clothes. Women, especially moms, exist in a pressure cooker of expectations. We are expected to work outside the home because we are told that success means having more and better than everyone else, while at the…

  • Marriage Moments: How Can it Be? Celebrating 25 Years of Marriage | Renée at Great Peace
    Blog,  Marriage Moments

    How Can it Be? Celebrating 25 Years of Marriage Moments

    How Can it Be?  That’s how I’m feeling on this day. I look at my Beloved husband awed at his love. It’s incredible to think that we’ve been married for 25 years. It seems... ah, so cliché to say, like yesterday. So Happy Together for 25 Years I’m amazed, that he still stares at me with loving eyes that look awed to be with me. I’m still giddy like a school girl when he says my name. I still wonder why he chose me. He said, “we’ll grow old and I’ll still stare at you,” and he still does. Through the years we’ve had difficulties, and joys. Awestruck surprises and heartfelt…

  • 20 Things to Decide to Grow a Stronger Marriage | Marriage Moments with Renée at Great Peace
    Blog,  Marriage Moments

    20 Things to Decide to Grow your Marriage Stronger

    Every day you can decide to grow your marriage stronger and you can choose how you will love your husband. You can give him the best of yourself. There are many people who will seek to tear down your marriage. Perhaps it’s a family member who for whatever reason isn’t thrilled with your relationship. Or, maybe it’s a dear friend going through their own marriage struggle and in an attempt at solidarity seeks to make you second guess your own.  Then again, the war isn’t with flesh and blood, but rather Satan is seeking to destroy your marriage because he knows that in that bond of unity you can be…

  • Blog,  Marriage Moments

    20 Things to Say for a Stronger Marriage

    20 Things to Say for a Stronger Marriage The song, “Oh be Careful Little Eyes*” comes to my mind when I think of what to say in marriage. Specifically, “Oh be careful little mouth what you say.”  When it comes to marriage, I think the tongue is one of the biggest pitfalls. Speaking in anger is a great danger. Not speaking truth, also a great danger. The words we speak with our mouths can be used to build up or to tear down. If we want stronger marriages, we should seek to build up our love. It’s always important to consider the needs of your spouse as you speak. Remember they…

  • 20 Things to Not Do to Protect Your Marriage | Renée at Great Peace
    Blog,  Family,  Marriage Moments

    20 Things to Not Do to Protect Your Marriage

    Marriage looks different in every relationship. Why? Because every marriage is made up of two unique individuals. As such, we all bring something different to the marriage. A husband has his own ideas of what a marriage is supposed to be, and a wife will have her own. Each of those individuals thoughts are unique and different from every other couple in the world. together they form a bond and learn to work and grow toward each other.  At least that’s the goal. Sadly, though too many people get caught up in not working together. Rather, they find themselves working against each other. But, it doesn’t have to be this…

  • 20 Things to Do for a Stronger Marriage | Marriage Moments with Renée at Great Peace
    Blog,  Marriage Moments

    20 Things To Do for a Stronger Marriage

    Do you sit around wondering why your marriage isn’t what you thought it would be? Are you ever hoping for a stronger marriage but aren’t sure what to do to get there?   Remember how last week I shared that it starts with you? This week I’m sharing an important key to understanding how your marriage can be stronger. Over the years, I’ve come to understand this important thing and if you will really allow it to work in your heart you’ll begin to see that it changes everything. This one thing that I’ve come to understand over the nearly 25 years of my own marriage has changed my heart and I…