• Marriage Challenge Day 3 - Oh be careful little mouth | Renée at Great Peace #MarriageChallenge #marriagemoments #marriage @wives
    Blog,  Marriage Moments

    Marriage Challenge: Oh Be Careful with Your Mouth

    In today’s Marriage Challenge we’re going to focus on what we say with our mouth. The mouth can be used for good, or it can destroy relationships. In your marriage, it’s best to be careful about what you speak. Do you remember the old children’s song Oh be careful little eyes? One of the verses in that song is Oh be careful little mouth what you say. That song reminds me so often to bite my tongue. This post contains affiliate advertisement links. In America we have the freedom of speech granting us the right to say what we think, feel, or opine. But should we? For “He who would love life And…

  • Blog,  Marriage Moments

    Marriage Challenge: Focus on His Needs

    In this Marriage Challenge, Day 2, we’re going to focus on his needs. Learn to walk beside him, helping him, and ensuring he has what he needs. In the everyday of life we get caught up in meeting the needs of everyone around us. Sometimes it’s the needs of our children, other times it’s the needs of friends or neighbors. We might even discover that we are so busy doing work for the church, acts of service, and general charitable deeds for others that we realize we’ve missed the mark when it comes to being a wife. 

  • Marriage Challenge Day 1 - Think about how you dress | Renée at Great Peace #MarriageChallenge #marriagemoments #marriage #wives
    Blog,  Marriage Moments

    Marriage Challenge: Think About How You Dress

    Day 1 of our 5 Day Marriage Challenge has you focusing on your husband’s visual response to you. Remember when you and your spouse were dating? Remember what it felt like when you were prepping for a date? Remember how careful you were in the way you dressed, in an attempt to please him? It’s that thought that I want you to hold in the forefront of your mind every day for 5 days as you get dressed for the day. How you dress matters, maybe not as much as other more important things, but your husband responds to visual things. Impress him. Too often we get caught up in what’s…

  • 5 Day Marriage Challenge | Renèe at Great Peace #marriagemoments #marriagechallenge #marriage #wives
    Blog,  Marriage Moments

    5 Day Marriage Challenge | Win the Love of His Heart, Again

    Do you ever feel concerned that your losing grasp on your marriage? In a time where divorce is as easy as a simple signature on a piece of paper, we must truly be diligent to secure our marriage relationships. Scroll down to join in this 5 Day Marriage Challenge. As homeschool moms, we often find ourselves caught up in the day to day role of parent and teacher and before we know it we look around and our marriage has taken a back seat to our children. It’s just easier to focus on them, than it is to focus on him.       We must remember that our first…

  • That Kind of Love | Marriage Moment with Renée at Great Peace Academy.
    Marriage Moments

    That Kind of Love

    Recently I was with another woman and we were watching a romance movie. At the end of the movie she was crying and said, “Don’t you wish you had that kind of love?” My response was, “I do.”  She was like, “Really?”  I said, “Yeah.”  I thought for a moment and then said, “What do you mean by, that kind of love?” She responded with, “You know, someone who will love you know matter what, will always be there for you when you need them and won’t give up even when it seems like there is no hope.”  I smiled and said, “Yeah, I have that kind of love. It…

  • Life: Grow Old with Me, Marriage Moment at Great Peace Academy
    Family,  Marriage Moments

    When Life Leads to Tears

    I haven’t written here about all that’s going on with my life right now. There are many reasons why I haven’t written, yet there were many times I wanted to open my heart and share with you. If you haven’t noticed I haven’t been online much lately. Some posts have gone out which were pre-scheduled. Some were works in progress that I hastily finished up to keep the blog looking fresh. And many of my social media posts were pre-scheduled as well. But, personally, I’ve been away.  I’ve been away for about 8 weeks, away from blogging, away from homeschooling, away from home, away from my normal life. That’s because I’m living…

  • Foolish Arguments in Marriage can lead to feelings of anger and bitterness. Marriage Moments with Great Peace Academy
    Family,  Marriage Moments

    Foolish Arguments in Marriage

    Marriage Moment: Lessons Learned from Foolish Arguments In the midst of a recent argument with my Beloved, I kept thinking to myself, this is the dumbest argument we’ve ever had. I knew it in my heart, and yet, we continued to escalate until we were screaming at each other. I also knew that he certainly was not thinking the argument was of any value. However, we simply could not seem to stop. Such foolish arguments in marriage are common. There we were standing in our bedroom arguing about light bulbs. He had recently replaced the bulbs in our overhead light. On my side of the argument, the light was extremely white,…

  • Family,  Marriage Moments

    We’re in This Together

    Marriage ebbs and flows with time. Changes happen and couples must determine how they will change as well. For us, the newest change is my husband has accepted a new job. It’s been 2 years since we learned of his unemployment. 2 Years without full-time employment. 2 Years of my Beloved working any freelance job he could secure so that he could provide for his family. Hearing of job loss can be a fearful thing. We made a decision early on that we would not live in the fearful place. We chose to live in faith and trust the Father. Do you know what? He was faithful to us in return. During what…