• Marriage Moments

    Changing Roles of Men and Women?

    Marriage Moment: The Mockery of Men     Have you noticed? Has it seemed obvious to you that lately television advertising for household products are putting dads, front, and center, of the target? One thing you can be sure of is that advertising agencies don’t do anything without careful thought, planning, and most likely test market research. So the decision to put dad in the role of a homemaker, is no accident.   Why do I even mention this? Because it is a subtle reflection of the changes in our society. No longer are advertisers targeting women homemakers, no longer are they targeting stay at home moms. No. They are…

  • Remembering Marriage Vows, to love, honor, cherish and obey, Marriage Moment by Renée at Great Peace Academy.
    Marriage Moments

    To Love, Honor, Cherish and Obey

    Marriage Moment: Remembering my Vows Today, I celebrate with my Beloved 22 years of marriage. 22 years since we vowed to love, honor, cherish and obey. I vowed to obey. It’s not a word used in many marriage vows anymore. I remember when we were going through our marriage counseling sessions with Brother Daniels before the wedding, he asked me if I wanted to use the word obey in my vows. I remember thinking, oh that’s not an easy one. But I knew it was the right one. I would venture that it is not used often today. I recently wrote an article on submission at the R16:16 blog regarding…

  • http://www.reneeatgreatpeace.com/2014/05/marriage-moment-this-kiss.html
    Marriage Moments

    Marriage Moment, This Kiss

    Connecting with Your Husband Do you remember that moment when he first kissed you? You know, him, the guy your married to. Was it an unexpected, ‘Oh wow, I can’t believe he did that.‘ moment? Or was it an exciting, curl your toes and make you swoon kind of moments?   Regardless of how the first kiss happened, I imagine it’s ingrained in your memory. Girls are kind of like that. We remember details that don’t matter to anyone. Details like; where we were, what was happening around us, what we were wearing and how we felt.   Is that still how you feel now when you get, or give,…

  • Homeschool,  Marriage Moments

    How to Connect with Your Husband at Convention

    Ignite Your Marriage Connection This post contains affiliate links and GHC sponsors my blog.  Maybe you just can’t imagine in all the hustle and bustle of a homeschool convention being able to really connect with your husband. After all a convention is filled with a lot of walking, rushing to and from seminars and then the vendor hall that is filled with wall to wall booths and people.   But you can! Really! I’ve gone to 5 conventions since I began homeschooling, I’ve gone with my husband to 3 of those. What I discovered is that it’s during that time when he is truly tuned in to my role as…

  • Marriage Moments

    Loving my Husband

    Marriage: Where 2 Equals 1 I love my husband. How could I not? He makes me whole. I gave up myself when I chose to become his wife. I continue to make that choice for myself each day that I am privileged to walk with him through this life. I am choose loving my husband. Let me count some of the reasons why.   The thing is though, the thing I think a lot of couples miss is that he too gave up something when he chose to marry me. He gave up himself, for me.  So while I give myself up for him, he gives himself up for me and we…

  • 5 Tips for Reconnecting your Marriage. Marriage Moments at Great Peace Academy
    Marriage Moments

    5 Tips for Reconnecting Your Marriage

    During Difficult Times, Marriage Moment These past six months have been interesting for Beloved and I. He continues to be unemployed, yet the Lord continues to bless him with work. He is working freelance television and sports production work and when he isn’t doing that, he has been able to work as a day laborer for a local HVAC company. I am so proud that he is a man who will work, isn’t afraid to work and would rather work than collect unemployment which would be so much simpler. (2 Thessalonians 3:10). This post contains affiliate ads to products which may be purchased at external sites. But, with all of…

  • Family,  Marriage Moments

    Being Loved by a Good Man

    A Good Man Loves Others Before Himself   I am married to a wonderful man. When I am asked about him, I tell people that he is a good man. It may seem like a simplistic answer, but it isn’t really.   A good man puts the needs of his wife and family above his own needs. A good man will seek to honor God. A good man will maintain his integrity even in the face of ridicule.   He’s such a good man, my husband. I am so very thankful that the Lord has blessed me with such a loving, caring, giving and wonderful man. When I read verses such as……