• Set the standard, training up in worship. | Great Peace Academy
    Bible Study,  Christian Parenting,  Devotionals for Women,  Family

    Training up in Worship: Set the Standard

    In this series on Training Up in Worship. We’ve come to some practical advice time. I’ve laid some foundations. Training begins with infancy, requires repetition and begins at home.   I know you are curious for how to go about the practical application while in the assembly. I can hear what you are thinking. ‘It’s too hard with 2, 3 or more children.’  You are right that it is hard, but it isnt’  TOO hard. After all we are told… “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.” Philippians 4:13. You as the parent just have to make the decision to set the standard and stick with it.…

  • Worship training begins at home. | Great Peace Academy
    Bible Study,  Christian Parenting,  Devotionals for Women,  Family

    Worship Training Begins at Home

    Training Up in Worship: Begins at Home Maybe you are thinking, “What’s the big deal? They are just kid’s let them be.” The big deal is these babies, toddlers and children will not remain children for very long. They will soon enough grow up and begin to form their own opinion, their own choices, and they will become responsible for their own actions. They will be responsible to the Lord God of Heaven for the choices they make. Your job as a parent is to train up or prepare their hearts for these choices. If you wait until you can reason with your child, it may be too late.   We…

  • Training up my little prince. | Great Peace Academy
    Bible Study,  Boys,  Christian Parenting,  Devotionals for Women,  Family

    Training Up My Little Prince

    I love teaching the fruit of the spirit to Little Man. In our academy, home and life you might often hear me ask him, “Does that attitude reflect the fruit of the spirit?” or maybe you will hear, “Are you showing self-control?” Or any of the other attributes to the Fruit of the Spirit. This post contains a children’s book review. I received this book for free from the author, all opinions are my own and I was not instructed on what to write. This post also contains affiliate ad links where you may purchase this book.   When I learning of Author Danna J. Walters and her book “Every Good…

  • Bible Study,  Christian Parenting,  Curriculum,  Devotionals for Women,  Family

    We Use Bible Study Guide for All Ages

    A complete Bible Curriculum  Disclaimer: This post contains affiliate links. Please see my disclosure for full information. Thank you for supporting Great Peace Academy.  I want to tell you about the Bible curriculum we are using in our homeschool this year. Let’s face it, there is a lot of material out there, but with so many denominations in this world, of which I am not a part, it is hard to find material that I can rely on to be sound in biblical doctrine. My family and I along with the other Christians of whom we fellowship seek to only teach and learn from the Bible. We do not believe in…

  • Bible Study,  Christian Parenting,  Devotionals for Women,  Family

    This Week… Service, Intensity, Dates and Support Group

    This has been one of those jumbled, schooling when we can kind of weeks. Monday we were prepping for the luncheon that Little Man and a few other homeschool children form our congregation hosted for the older single women. Tuesday was the day of the luncheon. It was beautiful watching Little Man and his friends, open doors, take coats and get drinks for those ladies. It was so special seeing the smiles light up the ladies faces as they were catered to from the first course, to the dessert course. Then the pride in a momma’s heart as each of those children stood before those women and spoke for the first times…

  • Bible Study,  Christian Parenting,  Devotionals for Women,  Family

    Teaching Servitude

    Sometimes it’s hard to find the right place for Little Man to serve others. His emotional excitability makes it difficult for me to find just the right niche. I previously read “Cindy Colley on Homeschooling” which I reviewed about a month ago. But, while reading it I was inspired to connect with the other 2 homeschooling families at our congregation and host a senior women’s luncheon. Well actually, the kids are hosting the luncheon the mom’s are just steering the ship so to speak. As a homeschool mom but more importantly as a Christian I know that I can’t wait around to be asked to help with something. Sometimes… when…

  • Bible Study,  Christian Parenting,  Devotionals for Women,  Family

    Walk in the Spirit

    In our Sunday evening worship our minister, Anthony, has been doing a study of the Spirit and how he works in our lives. We have mostly been studying from the book of Colossians. For the past few days this verse has been coming to my heart. I believe it goes along well with the study I have engaged in on sanctification. I’m sure we will come across this portion of sanctification in a future study, but it has so been on my heart that I decided to share it here. Galatians 5:24-26 NKJV24 And those who are Christ’s have crucified the flesh with its passions and desires. 25 If we live in the Spirit, let…

  • Bible Study,  Christian Parenting,  Devotionals for Women,  Family

    This Week… Studies and Socializing & 30 Days to Give Thanks Day 17

    This Week…Oh I am so tired after all the planning for this weeks Thanksgiving festivities at our homeschool group. Bible:  Progressing forward in Exodus, Jonathan began to walk with the Israelites out of Egypt. He read how the Lord led them by a pillar of cloud during the day and a pillar of fire at night. We talked about how He still leads us today through the study of the Word and the guidance of the Holy Spirit.  He read how that rather leading them the shortest route to the land of Canaan, He diverted them toward the Desert of Sin, or the Sinai Peninsula because if they went through…