20 Things to Decide to Grow a Stronger Marriage | Marriage Moments with Renée at Great Peace
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20 Things to Decide to Grow your Marriage Stronger

Every day you can decide to grow your marriage stronger and you can choose how you will love your husband. You can give him the best of yourself. There are many people who will seek to tear down your marriage. Perhaps it’s a family member who for whatever reason isn’t thrilled with your relationship. Or, maybe it’s a dear friend going through their own marriage struggle and in an attempt at solidarity seeks to make you second guess your own. 

Then again, the war isn’t with flesh and blood, but rather Satan is seeking to destroy your marriage because he knows that in that bond of unity you can be stronger in your relationship with the Lord. But you get to choose and you can choose a stronger marriage in the Lord.

20 Things to Decide to Grow a Stronger Marriage | Marriage Moments with Renée at Great Peace

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But, you can choose. You get to decide each and every day how you will work to grow a stronger marriage. 

Today, I want to offer you some decisions that you can make that may help you in choose to lift your marriage up as a most precious jewel. 20 things that you can decide and commit to deciding again and again as you move from day to day, seeking to grow a stronger marriage.

20 Things to Decide to Grow your Marriage Stronger

  1. Decide that divorce is not an option.
  2. Decide that you will always be honest.
  3. Decide that you will choose him, every, single, day.
  4. Decide that you will seek to honor the roles that God has designed for marriage. 
  5. Decide that you will serve your husband, just as you have chosen to serve Christ. 
  6. Decide that you will be content. 
  7. Decide that you will choose joy in each day. 
  8. Decide to have a heart willing to listen in order to hear and understand. 
  9. Decide that you will put him first, yes that means above the kids.
  10. Decide that you will do something unexpected to turn him on. (Yes, it’s o.k. you are married.)
  11. Decide that you will make his favorite meal(s) at least once a month. 
  12. Decide that you will strive to be content with whatever financial, residential, or other circumstance you may find yourself in. 
  13. Decide not to blame him when things don’t go as plan. Instead, realize that you chose to marry for better or worse and that TOGETHER you face life whatever comes. You own the difficulties as well as he does.
  14. Decide that together you will stand or fall. 
  15. Decide every single day that you will love him, in word, in deed, in body, and in spirit.
  16. Decide that you will choose him whenever you are presented with a choice… choose him over any other thing.
  17.  Decide that you will not allow others to influence your emotional well-being, your relationship, or your decisions concerning your marriage.
  18. Decide that you will speak only good of him to others. 
  19. Decide that no matter what you will love him.
  20. Decide that today is the day to begin to make your marriage stronger. And tomorrow… decide again.

A stronger marriage is possible. I know you can’t do it alone. But the reality is we can not change another person. We can only change ourselves and how we relate to and interact with another. This is true in marriage as well. We can not change our spouses. But we can decide how we will treat them, love them, and honor them. 

When you respect, show love, and treat another person, even your husband with kindness, you stand a greater chance of their heart growing stronger toward you. 

It starts with one spouse deciding to grow a stronger marriage. It can start with you, and it can start today. You can choose. 

Renée at Great Peace Academy



See the Entire Growing a Stronger Marriage Series

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