About Great Peace Living

You may have already met me but in case you haven’t, I’m Renée and I’m seeking to live a life of great peace. I love writing and that’s what led me to writing this blog. It started out as a simple journal to document what I was doing in homeschooling, but it quickly grew to be much more than that.

Nurturing Peaceful Family Life

I’m passionate about nurturing family through spiritual guidance found in God’s word. When I discover the Bible verse, Isaiah 54:13, I found a purpose for my role as a Christian, wife, and mother. 

That purpose is to seek God’s peace for my family and inspire others to do the same. I set out on a journey to understand what that peace truly means and to help my family and those I meet to seek that peace as well. I’ve learned that in writing about my journey, I’m also helping other women to discover the joys that can be found in living a peaceful life. 

“All your children shall be taught by the Lord,
And great shall be the peace of your children.”

Isaiah 54:13

True peace isn’t found in circumstance. It’s found in a understanding that despite what’s going on around us we can have a sense of contentment and calm. We can work toward that goal ourselves, to be sure. But, as a Christian I know that this kind of peace truly only exists in trusting the Lord fully. In knowing and trusting Him we can be assured that no matter what comes, in this life or in the next, God will take care of us.

My family and I are transplants to the Kansas City, Missouri area. We’re learning to love the city, the Royals, and KC Barbecue, not necessarily in that order. For most of our life together we’ve lived in Ohio, and that’s where we became parents and began this crazy adventure called homeschooling.

We are a Christian family serving the Lord as members of a local congregation of the Lord’s church, the church of Christ. As parents our goal has been to train up our child to know and seek the word of God as his principle guide in life. We’re ever prayerful for the choices he has before him. 

Together we are a family of three seeking to walk in the peace of God.

Finding Peace in the Marriage Relationship

My Beloved Michael and we have been married for 29+ years and our love grows stronger with each passing year. In fact, the longer we are married the stronger our bond becomes.

That doesn’t mean we have a perfect life. Not at all. But we have learned through the many struggles of life to cling closer to each other, rather than pushing each other away. And, we’ve learned to rely on God to provide even in the toughest of times.  You can read more about our marriage relationship as I share tips and encouragement for Biblical marriage in my Marriage Moments articles.

My husband is an Operations Manager for a major television sports network. I am a make a home, and work from home wife.

My goal is to help women who want to learn how to find joy and peace in the marriage relationship as we grow to understand that marriage was always intended to be a reflection of God’s love for His people.

Peacefully Homeschooling to Graduation

After 13 years of choosing home education for our son, he has finally graduated and is now successfully enrolled in our local community college. His goal is to get his associates degree before going on to a four year school for his undergrad.

Up there on my right in that photo is our amazing son, Jonathan. Yes, we are a one-child family. We were blessed to be able to become parents through adoption and we are loving every minute of it.

Whether you are homeschooling a child with, special needs, emotional intensity, or homeschooling a typical learner, I hope you’ll find a wide variety of homeschooling, tips, tricks and resources here.

My son is no longer a child. I often refer to him now refer to him as my man child. He has kept me on my toes with his learning adventures as a gifted learner which is something I’ve shared often in my homeschooling posts. He loves, strategy games, video games, the periodic table, and he recently began writing his own fantasy adventure novel. 

I didn’t atart out thinking I’d homeschool, but his unique needs dictated seeking an education path that would best suit his learning style. Once we determined to start homeschooling, we dedicated to it fully. And, here we are having completed 13 years of home education.

It wasn’t always easy, and there were many times when I second guessed that decision, but, it was the right choice for our child.

Finding Peace in the Home

You might have been drawn here for tips on how to manage your household, plan your meals, or bond with your family, or perhaps it was through a homeschooling link from Pinterest. Whatever the case, I hope you find a warm welcome here and will choose to come back again and again for peaceful family encouragement. 

Please don’t get to thinking that my life sounds too idealic. It’s a wonderful, and beautiful life to be sure, but, we’ve struggled in many areas of marriage and life, and I write about those events as well.

We’re human, we make mistakes. But, at the end of the day our hope is that we’ve tried to serve God with our hearts, minds and souls. 

Join me as I explore the blessing of being a wife, mom, living with family, seeking time together for bonding, and how we navigated the homeschooling life.

Feel free to ask questions, and share your family stories with me as well. I look forward to getting to know you. 

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