10 Resources That will Help You Find Fine Arts

Fine Arts for your Homeschool Students

When my husband and I were first married, we attended a touring performance of Les Mésirables. Being from a small, very rural town and having very little exposure to the arts, I sat in wonderment at the theatrics, the music and the beauty of the entire drama that was unfolding before me.

I knew then that I wanted to explore the arts even further. Thankfully, I have a husband who also enjoys the arts and through the years we have had several opportunities to attend gallery openings, theatrical performances, concerts, symphonies, and even one opera. When I began homeschooling, I knew that I wanted to open my son’s mind to beauty found in the arts as well.

10 Resources for finding Fine Arts to Explore | Great Peace Academy

Fine arts, is a term thrown about by everyone these days. You’ll see Pinterest pins touting teaching your kids fine arts through craft projects or exploring modern art at the local graffiti wall. While I fully understand that fine is a relative term and what is fine to some may not be fine to others and vice versa, in the world of the arts fine is a term used to identify elite work.

Exploring masters, in any genre, will awaken your senses and open your eyes to the various cultures of the world. For example, we were able to attend an exhibit hosted by our local university that included a sculpture by Degas, several amazing Picasso pieces, as well as beautiful pieces by Giacometti, and Dubuffet. To say that we all were impressed would be an understatement. When walking among art by some of the most famous artists in history there is hushed awe that settles in to your heart.

Why wouldn’t we as homeschooling parents want to offer our kids every chance to do just that? But how do you know where to find such incredible art without taking a major trip to New York, Los Angeles or Washington D.C.? 

Today, I’m sharing 10 web resources that can help you explore the world of the fine arts from a first person experience. 

10 Websites for Finding Fine Arts Near You

  1. American Ballet Theatre – Check out their schedule to see where they are performing.
  2. Americans for the Arts – See their Locations page.
  3. Art Gallery Guide – Guides for every state.
  4. Art Support – Look for their list of photography galleries.
  5. Broadway Shows on Tour – Broadway shoes tour in 240 U.S. cities. To see what’s playing and where visit Broadway.org/tours.
  6. League of American Symphonies – Take a look at their Premieres List for performances around the country.
  7. National Gallery of Art – Be sure to take a look at their touring exhibits page to see what may be coming to a city near you. They also have a wealth of online resources to help you in your efforts to teach fine arts.
  8. Master Prints – Consider bringing the masters into your own home with affordable prints.
  9. Smithsonian American Art Museum – Take a look at their touring schedule, as well as their educational resources.
  10. The National Opera Center of America – See what’s touring, and their schedule of performances.

Fine arts can be inspirational, or motivational, or both. Some enjoy fine arts simply for the entertainment, some for the beauty and simplicity they evoke.

As homeschoolers, we want to offer our children wide spectrum of learning opportunities because as our children grow, we can’t know what might, or might not, be inspirational to them. Opening their eyes, ears, senses and mind to the fine arts of theater, opera, ballet, symphony or other forms of artistic expression may lead them on an unexpected journey of exploration and education. {Tweet That}

What are some ways that you incorporate fine arts learning into your homeschooling adventure?

Renée at Great Peace Academy




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