This Just In: Free for the Summer!
Summer Learning Opportunities
Hey There Homeschool Mamas,
Before we get started, I need to let you know that I am being compensated by The iHomeschool Network, to share with you this free, no strings attached, offer with you.
Summer is before you. I know many of you are using this time to prep and be ready for homeschool to start again in the fall. But what are you doing with the summer time for your kids? I’m sure you worry about the summer-slide and you want to be sure that your children maintain what they’ve learned; keep their minds engaged and learning, even while having fun, right?
Educational field trips are one way to provide learning opportunities in the summer, but really, how many field trips can you feasibly fit in? Summer reading programs through your library might be another way to encourage them to learn. What about math, science and art? How can you keep them thinking, doing, and learning yet still allow them free time to spend the summer just being a kid?
Free for the Summer Offer
With these free for the summer, no strings attached, offers from Homeschool Buyers Co-op, you will have plenty of opportunity to keep your kids mind engaged throughout the long, hot, summer months. They have teamed up with some excellent educational resource companies so that you can utilize their programs, let your kids work at their own pace and still be learning during the summer months.
What’s that? Oh, yeah, exclusively at Homeschool Buyers Co-op you can use any of 7 award winning products for free through the whole summer! I’m sharing all of the details below.
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O.K. these are some really great free for the summer products aren’t they? We have used Uzinggo before and it’s a really great, engaging program with excellent interactive graphics and videos, so I’m sure you will want to make use of that during these summer months.
Who doesn’t love Discovery products? I am always stunned by their beautiful photography. When you stop in and visit their site, be sure to check out their Free Teachers Resources located at the very bottom of the page.
I think I am most excited about the Music and Art lessons! My son loves both and will enjoy using this resource. Even if your kids don’t actually love music an art having access to these resources for free, during summer, allows you to check off that requirement from your yearly school list giving you more time to focus on core subjects through the school year.
I’m going to head over to Homeschool Buyers Co-op and take a look at all of these great offers, how about you?