10 Fun STEM Experiments that You Can Do Today
Children have a natural curiosity. And, STEM experiments allow a child to explore their curiosities in hands-on ways. It takes learning out of the textbooks and puts it in the forefront of a child’s mind. Asking a simple question and allowing a child to hypothesize the answer ignites a sense of curiosity.
By asking a simple question and allowing a child to hypothesize the answer you can ignite that sense of curiosity. Through experimentation, they learn to answer their own questions and discover results. It’s a simple way to teach the scientific method.
I’ve gathered 10 fun STEM experiments that can do today using simple items found around your home and can help you to kindle the inquisitiveness spirit of your homeschoolers.
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10 STEM Experiments
For instructions on each experiment, click the link in each title.
1-Plastic cups in Love -Reeko’s Mad Science Lab
Bernoulli’s principle
You’ll Need:
2- BioFilm Experiment – The Homeschool Scientist
Engineering and Biology Inquiry Lab
You’ll need:
- Clean, empty soda bottles (one for each child or pair)
- Single hole punch
- Scissors
- Twine or rope
- rubber bands
- weights (rocks or pebbles)
- Large plastic jug
- Substances to coat the plastic such as; paint, oil, peppers, cayenne pepper, etc…
- foam brushes
3- Make an Electroscope – The Homeschool Scientist
Testing Electrical Charges
You’ll Need:
- A Clear glass or jar
- A plastic lid to fit over the glass or jar
- A Paper Clip
- 2 small Strips of Aluminum Foil
- An Inflated Balloon
- Pliers
- Tape
4- Testing the Strength of Aluminum Foil – Schooling a Monkey
Mechanical Properties of Aluminum Foil
You’ll need:
- Aluminum Foil
5- Charcoal Water Purifying Experiment – The Homeschool Scientist
You’ll Need:
- A Measuring Cup
- A Teaspoon
- 2 Baby Food Jars with Lids (or other similar jar)
- Activated Charcoal
- Water
- Red Food Coloring
6- Rubber Band Helicopters – Instructables by LanceMakes in education
You’ll Need:
- Propellers with plastic mount
- Craft sticks
- Paperclips
- Rubber bands
- Cardstock
- Masking tape
- Scissors
7- How to Make a Sinkhole – Education Possible
Sinkholes and Karst Terrain
You’ll Need:
- Box of Sugar Cubes
- Green or Brown Modeling Clay
- Clear glass container with high sides (fish tank, bowl, or deep baking dish)
- Water
- Toothpick or Pencil
8- Make a Mold Terrarium – The Homeschool Scientist
A Study of Fungi
You’ll Need:
- A Clear Container
- Water
- A variety of leftover foods
9- Cleaning Pennies – Teach Beside Me
Reversing Copper Oxidization
You’ll need:
- Cups
- Aged Pennies
Lemon Juice
Soy Sauce
Dish Soap
Ginger Ale
10- Sticky Water – Reeko’s Mad Science Lab
Surface Tension
- Hammer & Nail
- Metal Can
- Water
I hope that you and your children will enjoy exploring these STEM experiments. Perhaps they’ll start an entirely new world of exploration. You might find your children falling down the rabbit hole in search of more answers to questions they didn’t even know existed.
This post is part of iHomeschool Network’s How to Homeschool Creatively.
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