Sometimes ladies, for me at least, when our husbands lead we may want to get defensive. We may want to prove why our way is best. In a sense we have the right to speak what we think, but in the end we are to follow his lead. That is what we are taught in scripture.
Ephesians 5:22-23
“22 Wives, submit yourselves unto your own husbands, as unto the Lord. 23 For the husband is the head of the wife, even as Christ is the head of the church: and he is the saviour of the body.”
We sometimes forget this second verse. We read the first part, Wives submit yourselves unto your own husbands… The modern day woman starts to rebel, even just a little, and think to ourselves… ‘but, I know what is best for me, or this situation.’ However, the secod part says that the husband is HEAD of the WIFE. Remember that we are one in body before God and when we are both in the household of faith we are one in the Spirit of Christ. So if we stand as one in marriage. Then he is the HEAD of the one body that we are before God. Now, I will on the day of judgement give account for my deeds. But, I am directed by God to submit to the authority of my own husband. So if I do not then my deeds will show that I have not submitted to his leading. Ephesians goes on to tell us that our husbands are our heads as Christ is the head of the church. So if Christ is the head of the church, then our husbands should be submitting to His leading, thus, we should be submitting to our husbands leading.
Ladies, that is hard sometimes!
Last night my Dear Beloved and I were sitting on the porch late into the night just talking. I asked him if he thought I was over committing myself. His response was to gently remind me of my purpose. He didn’t come right out and say, ‘you’re not fulfilling your 1st duties.’ but I sure did get the drift. He gently nudged me into realizing, that I have let go of some of the Titus 2 woman that I want to work toward being, and taken on some busy-ness that I had been trying to avoid so that I can focus more on my first priorties.
Titus 2:4,5
“4 That they may teach the young women to be sober, to love their husbands, to love their children, 5 To be discreet, chaste, keepers at home, good, obedient to their own husbands, that the word of God be not blasphemed.”
I am to love my husband. This is the first of my priorities as I submit to God through Christ, to love my husband, then to love my children. God created woman to be the helpmate to man. Genesis 2:18 so my duty first and foremost is to fulfill the first role that God created for woman, to be a help mate. I am to be discreet, chaste and a keeper at home, good and obedient to my own husband. Why? Why can’t I just do things my own way? The scripture tells me… So that the word of God may not be blasphemed.
Imagine someone outside the household of faith, or worse… IN, seeing that I fail to provide a clean home for my family, or I don’t ensure that my husband has the needed clean clothing or lunch meal for his work environment because I failed in my duties to provide them, and they say… “But, I thought they were Christians.” What if my actions failed to uplift my husband to his peers, or caused some to doubt his being a good leader? Then, I have caused them to question whether we are followers of God’s Word. And if they were to question our following, they may in fact, dismiss the Word entirely. Thus, I have caused blaspheming of God’s Word.
Oh, how I do not want that to be. I want to be a Titus 2 wife. I want to strive to be like the Proverbs 31 woman whose husband is so honored by her that he is known in the gate and sitteth amongst the elders.
I must say, that as he was gently nudging me back onto the path that IS before me, I was feeling a bit defensive. But after prayerful thought I see he is right. He said that perhaps it isn’t a matter of me having taken on too much but rather a matter of not really being structured and organized in my approach to the tasks that are before me.
So I will be seeking more structure in my daily routine. I will be scheduling time for each of the tasks and roles that I play in order that I might be able to prioritize my 1st roles as Christian, Wife, and mother before the busy-ness of service to others. Both are important, but one has specifically been given into my hands. The role of the Titus 2 woman.