Gifts for Math Minded Kids
When you have a math minded child it’s incredible how fast they absorb numerical information. Their minds are moving so rapidly that they may struggle to relax. I often think that my son would lay in bed calculating physics or composing music all night if we didn’t intervene. He just wants and needs more, and if you have a math minded child yours does as well.
But, how do you continuously provide them with more math challenges without overwhelming them? That’s the question isn’t it? How much is too much?
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Here’s the thing. Children who are gifted have a hunger for more information like you or I have a hunger for food. Just as keeping food from the child’s hunger would be wrong, keeping learning food from their mind also is a disservice to the child.
They’ll know when they’ve been given something too complicated. And, you’ll most likely see that expressed in one of two ways. The first is through major self-frustration, the other is through a shutting down that may exhibit itself as boredom.
The first actually means they may be excited by the difficulty but are frustrated by the challenge. So, you can encourage them to take a bit of a brain break, or use a fidget spinner, or work on a puzzle until their mind can process the information in a new way.
If it’s the second, their mind has shut down or they exhibit boredom, simply remove the product for now, put it on a shelf and try again at another time.
The point is you don’t really need to worry about giving them too much. Let their reactions guide you.
I cultivated some resources that can offer your math minded child true challenges.
Gifted Math Books
- The Moscow Puzzles: 359 Mathematical Recreations
- Fractions in Disguise: A Math Adventure
- The Math Book: From Pythagoras to the 57th Dimension, 250 Milestones in the History of Mathematics
- Math for the Professional Kitchen
- Primary Grade Challenge Math
- Amazing Visual Math
- Love and Math: The Heart of Hidden Reality
- The Boy Who Loved Math: The Improbable Life of Paul Erdos
- Upper Elementary Challenge Math
- Brown Paper School book: Math for Smarty Pants
Gifted Math Games
- Math Dice Chase Action Game
- Equate: The Equation Thinking Game
- Qwixx – A Fast Family Dice Game
- 24 Game: Factors/Multiples
- Ringgz
- Double Shutter Tin
- Bendomino: Dominoes with a Twist! Tile Game
- Mille Bornes Card Game
- Lewo Wooden Building Blocks Set Children Educational Math Toys Board Games
- Stock Market – The Wall Street Trading Game
More Resources for Gifted Learners
▬ Flippy Chain Fidget Toy Relieve Stress Reducer
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