Good day
Today was a good day at the academy. Not everyday is. For me a good day is when J participates in the work with little or no complaining, when we accomplish all of the assigned tasks and he learns at least one new concept.
Today all of those happened. In fact he even volunteered to do his reading asssignment while I prepared lunch, rather than play. That tells me he was happy and that he is enjoying the book. He is now reading E.B. White’s The Trumpet of the Swan. We are working on classics this year. He has already read Charlotte’s Web and Stuart Little.
When J is happy he hums. He hummed a lot today. This tells me the assignments were challenging enough to keep him interested but not too challenging to overwhelm him.
I am considering penpals for him. I think this might be a fun way for him to work on his writing skills. Especially since he loves getting mail. Will have to see, maybe after the new year starts.
Hope tomorrow is equally as good. If so I will reward him with a fun day out on Thursday.