Gifted Homeschooling
Helping You Find Gifted Homeschool Encouragement
Learning that a child has gifted learning abilities can be extremely daunting. Figuring out how to provide gifted homeschooling can be downright overwhelming. But, you can homeschool your gifted child.
When I first began to discover that my son was learning at a rate that seemed advanced I was quite frankly a bit scared. When his PrK Montessori teacher said to take him home and homeschool I went through a stage of panic.
Discovering that you have a child with advanced learning tendencies can seem both frightening and exciting. Especially, if you are not a gifted learner. But what I have learned is that there are many gifted homeschooling resources available and that you don’t have to feel overwhelmed.
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I wanted to know the best way to help my son to learn at his own pace. I wanted to know how to provide him with challenges and encourage him to explore areas he may be passionate about. So, I began researching gifted education. The more I learned the more I knew I wanted, needed, to provide him with a unique and customized education.
That’s why I hope to provide you with information, encouragement, and resources so that you can feel confident in your ability to provide your child with a customized education to meet their individual need.
Gifted Learning Posts at Great Peace Academy
Why Homeschooling Your Gifted Child Can Be the Right Choice
Homeschooling the Gifted Child
100+ Homeschooling Gifted Resources
100 Must Read Things for Parents of Gifted Children
Gifted Homeschooling and the Need for More
How to Expand Gifted Learning Opportunities on a Budget
Learning about Differentiation, Learning how to Stretch the Mind
Web Resources for Parents of Gifted Children
How to Foster Creativity in Gifted Children
How to Identify Math Gaps in Gifted Math Learning
Mathematically Gifted Homeschool Must Have
I believe that every child is gifted. I also believe that God grants each of us talents (unique to each individual) according to the ability (Matthew 25:16) they have developed in a measure that He deems best. Therefore, some have a greater measure of talent/gift than others, (1 Corinthians 12:1-5).
For some, the gift is academic, cognitive or creative while for others it may be perhaps social, political or philanthropic. Whatever the gift each should learn to develop it.
In the educational and psychological fields of study, the terms used are gifted and talented when referring to cognitively, academic and creatively advanced learners.
So while I believe we each are unique and have different abilities, talents, and gifts, I understand that in the academic world, the term gifted is used to identify those with advanced learning and creative capabilities. And, not everyone will meet the requirements of that definition.
For Christians, the goal should be to develop our gifts for His (the Lord’s) purposes. You may not find this philosophy at other gifted homeschooling sites, however, I first and foremost seek to honor God. So if you are one who believes in the Creator God, and are homeschooling a gifted child, I invite you to follow along as I explore homeschooling a gifted child. Even if you aren’t a believer, I share content for gifted homeschooling that you may find to be encouraging to you as well.
Special Needs of Gifted Children
Gifted Asynchronous Development and the Twice Exceptional Child
Social Instruction for the Gifted Child
The Social Lives of Gifted Children
Personal Care Life Skills for Gifted Teens
Teaching Employment Life Skills to Gifted Teens
Finance Management Life Skills for Gifted Teens
Cooking Life Skills 101 for Gifted Teens
Household Management Life Skills for Gifted Learners
Tips from the Coach for Keeping Gifted Kids Active
Fantasy Puzzles for Kids Who Love Gifted Children
Find out what I use to support my efforts in gifted homeschooling and parenting.
Visit my Amazon Gifted Learners Ideas List.
Do you have a gifted, talented or advanced learner? Are you, like me discovering that all of those are terms which mean the same thing? I love chatting with and getting to know my readers. Please comment and share your gifted education journey here.
You can also email me at admin@reneeatgreatpeace.com I look forward to getting to know you.
These posts can be helpful as well…
- Challenging the Gifted Mind
- Tips from the Coach for Keeping Gifted Kids Active
- 10 Art Supplies to Keep on Hand for Creative Thinking Kids
- 10 Coding Resources for Kids

Thank you so much for sharing your insights. This is a huge blessing!