Homeschooling 10th Grade with These Curriculum Picks
This year we’re homeschooling 10th grade. I’m going to be honest with you. Homeschooling high school still makes me nervous. Maybe it’s because of the pressure of knowing that these are the last years before my son launches into adulthood.
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I read other bloggers and experts on the subject, and have many homeschool blogging friends who assure me that it’s not as difficult as I may be trying to make it. And, I get it. But this is just me, sitting here realizing that I’m the only one responsible for the education of my son.
If you are worried too, about the high school years of homeschool. Please know you aren’t the only one worried about that. I may look back after it’s all said and done and realize my fears are unfounded. But, for now I’m taking it one day at a time. And continuing to research as I go along.
Which is why I wanted to tell you about a great course that I think you (and I) will benefit from.
10 Grade Homeschool High School Curriculum Picks
Bible Curriculum
We began using this curriculum last year for 9th grade. It worked out really well. Each booklet is designed for a 13 week Bible Class Curriculum, however in homeschool since he does school all week long, we are able to complete approximately 5 workbooks in an academic year.

My son is truly learning how to apply his studies to his mind. He’s gaining more Bible knowledge in more depth than he has before.
I’m always looking for ways to enhance my son’s studies and these short, informative videos do just that. They help him to learn how to understand a variety of controversial subjects, help him to study the scriptures to dig out and find the truth.
Homeschooling High School History/Literature
- Exploring World History from Notgrass History
Due to a variety of circumstances my son didn’t finish his World History last year. Now, back in my early days of homeschooling I would have made him do school in the summer to make it up. But I realized he hadn’t really had a long break for a few years. So I chose to let him have his summer free.
What does that mean for this year and his high school credit? Well, he’ll complete the EWH during the 1st half of the year, and then for the second half, he will do Notgrass’ Exploring Government, which is only a half year curriculum anyway. So it all works out.
Science Curriculum
- Exploring Creation with Chemistry 2nd Edition by Dr. Jay Wile
I have full confidence that this comprehensive curriculum will serve my son well. He already loves all things related to the periodic table and he’s quite excited to dive into a fuller study of chemistry.
English Curriculum
- Writers in Residence™, Volume 2 from Apologia
Writers in Residence™, Volume 2 All-in-One Student Text and Workbook and Answer Key provides everything your student will need to gain confidence in writing for high school. In fact, the foundations they learn in this material will carry them all the way through college.

For more information on Writer’s in Residence see my review:
A Homeschool Writing Curriculum that Takes the Fear Out of Writing
As I mentioned last year, I had planned to complete this in 2 years and we will continue this year. comprehensive grammar curriculum that helps students to shore up their grammar skills. I feel that it’s so comprehensive that once completed grammar a student will have a very good basis in their understanding the mechanics of the English written language.
Health Curriculum
This year I’m going to use Apologia’s Health & Nutrition curriculum. While my son has a great understanding of the human body it’s also good to ensure he has a good understanding of how to take care of his body.

By the way I’ll be doing a review in the coming weeks of this curriculum, so be sure to watch for it!
- Physical Education
My son is asking to add physical education back to his routine. When we lived in Ohio we were blessed to be able to attend The Homeschool Gym with Coach Quickert. But, since moving to the Kansas City are we haven’t found anything quite like that. We are researching options, but I think we’ll be utilizing some YouTube videos for P.E. this year.
This year it will be Algebra 2. Math continues to be easy for my son. He simply sees and understands the patterns. I’m sure given his math abilities, he’ll progress through the material well.
Foreign Language
- Mango Language
Spanish is on the agenda for my high schooler over the next 2 years. After learning that the school we have our eye on requires 2 years of foreign language I looked into what language would best serve him in the career he hopes to have. Turns out in the U.S. an architect can benefit greatly by having the ability to speak and understand Spanish. So he’ll do Spanish 1 this year using Mango Languages through our Library System.
Art Curriculum
- Sparketh
We are continuing to use Sparketh for art this year. These videos teach technique in a fun, kid friendly way. Since he’s wanting to do architecture, I know that he needs a good basis in art skills and techniques. And, I love how well these are put together to guide students in
Be sure to grab Sparketh’s Homeschool Overhaul Roadmap (free!) to get ideas and tips for keeping your kids engaged in learning throughout the year. It offers some great tips by focusing on the 4 parts of an effective homeschool, Engagement, Time Management, Money and Learning.
- Khan Academy
In addition to Art Lessons from Sparketh, I’ll be utilizing the free resources on Khan Academy to do some studies on art history through their course on Creating & Conserving.
- Piano Lessons
He will be starting his 10th year of piano lessons. We are utilizing Music Arts Institute here in the Kansas City area. This allows him to participate in yearly adjudications as well as have opportunities to play in competitions. He’s grown so much since starting there, and his teacher is challenging him with some difficult pieces.
- Khan Academy
Last year I utilized Khan Academy’s course on Instruments of the Orchestra. This year I’ll utilize the Music Appreciation course Masterpieces Old and New. Over the years my son has not only played music by the masters but he’s also studied them in a variety of forms. This is just one more way that I’m helping him to grow his knowledge of great composers.
Find great ideas for teaching music in homeschool in my
5 Days of Music in Homeschool Series.
- Chess
It’s been a few years but my son has a renewed interest in chess. So I’ve signed him up for a homeschool chess club here in Kansas City. I’m excited to see what that will be like. He starts tomorrow!
What grades are you teaching this year? How will you go about teaching, and what curriculum are you most excited about adding to your schooling? Share your favorite finds with me in the comments below.

This post is part of the iHN Back to Homeschool Blog Hop

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John Notgrass
Sounds like you have a great year planned, Renee. Enjoy!
Thanks John!