High School Supply List for Back to Homeschool
Isn’t it interesting how homeschooling through the years changes. When we start out in Kindergarten we’re gathering finger paints, fat pencils, and picture books. Through elementary paper types change, and glue sticks abound. This year in our homeschool we officially reach high school. While paper and pencils are still on my back to homeschool supply list, the way those items are utilized becomes more focused.
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High School… it honestly snuck up on me, or so it seems.
High School Homeschool Supply List
USB Drive
Having a handy flash drive can allow students to quickly save and organized their digital files. And, it allows you, mom, to organize digital curriculum into easy to access file folders.
My favorite is and will always be a No. 2 Dixon Ticonderoga. I find they are easy to use, write well, and have a good quality eraser on the end. For high school writing habits become essential so having a quality pencil on hand for your high school students is a must have.
Erasable Pens
Let’s face it. Our teenagers would prefer to write with ink pens and there are times when a pen looks better than pencil. But mistakes happen and if your student is like my son, with emotionally intense tendencies, then you need some erasable pens to keep peace in the homeschool.
Teens are truly learning to develop study habits that will carry them into college. Some students find highlighting key text to be beneficial to remembering important details. When notebooking, highlighters can truly help a student to make the notebook their own work.
Index Cards
Index cards make it easy to keep notes in short concise bits of information. I like spiral bound index cards so that students can keep similar information together. This helps to keep messes in check.
At this stage of homeschooling binders are a necessity. From printing items from online sources, to keeping portfolios a binder helps both the homeschooling mom and the high school teenager to stay organized and paperwork managed. I like to have both 3 inch and 1 inch binders on hand so that they are available for various usages. The 1 inch binders are good for single subject studies, while the 3 inch binders are good for a comprehensive study such as language arts which can incorporate vocabulary, grammar, writing and more.
Loose-Leaf Paper
Of course you need paper to fill those binders, so college ruled loose-leaf is a must.
Graphing Paper
Whether your kids are doing algebra, geometry, or even trigonometry, graphing paper can help your kids to visualize their math assignments. I keep graphing paper on-hand and my son uses it often for both math and art projects.
Scientific Calculator
With high school comes higher math. From algebraic equations to Pythagorean’s theorem a scientific calculator is a must for keeping students detailed with their mathematical expressions.
Of course when using binders, especially with multiple subjects, you’ll want to have a good supply of dividers on hand.
Post-it Flags & Notes
When studying, flags or notes can quickly be added to a text book, for quick referencing. Notes can quickly be made next to a key point in the textbook without damaging the book.
Composition Notebooks
Since writing is important for teens as they develop their skills for college, composition books make a great way for students to keep their creative writing assignments in one place. My son likes to use these books to take notes for his advanced math courses. Sometimes I think we’ve got as many notebooks full of math notes as da Vinci did. Well not quite, but still he has a lot of math notes.
While you could get standard black & white ones, these fun colors are great for teen homeschoolers.
Report Covers
With high school you’re going to be assigning research papers, perhaps a novella, or even a good book report. Help your students be fully prepared for writing in college, by required a professional looking reports in report covers.
Art Supplies
Of course art is important. Whether you are doing an art appreciation course or a hands-on art course keeping art supplies on hand can help your kids whenever inspiration hits, all year long. Here are a few basics I like to keep on hand.
- Colored Pencils
- Chalk Pastels
- Graphite Pencils
- Water-color Pencils
- Water-color Paper
- Art Tipped Markers
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