How to actually Homeschool Multiple Ages with Expert Advice

How to Actually Homeschool Multiple Ages with Expert Advice | Great Peace Academy

I’m a homeschooling mom to one child. That’s because we are an only child family. If we had more children I’d be homeschooling them too. But since we don’t I write my homeschooling blog from our only child perspective. But, I know that most of you reading this are multiple child families and you have questions about how to successfully homeschool multiple ages and do it successfully. 

I get it. I’d be asking those questions too if I were in your shoes. Which is why I’ve been doing research. I turned to homeschool bloggers who  are experts at how to homeschool multiple ages many of which are successfully doing so in large families.

“I like to do as much family style learning as possible. We do that with science and history. I would go crazy trying to do six different science lessons and six different history lessons. No thank you! I like that we can sit down as a family and work together. Each child working as his or her own level, but all on the same topic.” Jen from Forever For Always, Homeschooling in a Large Family: How We Make it Work

Bloggers to Follow who Homeschool Multiple Ages

  1. Abundant Life – Marianne
  2. Aspired Living – Kyle
  3. Confessions of a Homeschooler – Erica
  4. Contented at Home – Judy
  5. Hodgepodge – Tricia
  6. Forever For Always – Jen
  7. Free Homeschool Deals – Jammerill
  8. Raising Arrows – Amy
  9. Raising Lifelong Learners – Colleen
  10. The Chaos and the Clutter – Sharla
  11. The Kennedy Adventures – Dianna
  12. Trains and Tutus – Laura & Amanda

This post contains affiliate links to 3rd party sites where products purchased may result in paid compensation for this blogger. 

Curriculum for Homeschooling Multiple Ages

For an even more comprehensive listing of curriculum for homeschooling multiple ages, see this post at the Curriculum Choice.
Choosing Homeschool Curriculum for Multiple Ages

Encouraging Videos for Homeschooling Multiple Ages

Yes, you can homeschool multiple ages. | Great Peace Academy

Must Read Homeschool Multiple Ages Blog Posts

These blog posts are filled with information for families who are homeschooling multiple ages, with advice, tips, helpful how to’s, and guides you’ll be sure to find encouragement and knowledge to help you to reach homeschooling success. 

“As a homeschooling mom of seven, I can totally relate to the challenges of large family homeschooling. Teaching every subject from chemistry to phonics in one short day can require almost superhuman efforts. Still, the benefits of teaching my children at home far outweigh the challenges of a typical homeschool day.” Judy at Contented at Home, Large Family Homeschooling: Fitting in the “Extras”

Homeschool Networks/Group Blogs to Follow

Stay Organized as you Homeschool Multiple Ages

Multiple Ages Homeschooling Pinterest Boards

Homeschool Multiple Ages with Large Family Pinterest Boards |Great Peace Academy

How to Teach Multiple Ages

Here you will find practical advice, how to tips ,methods and curriculum choices which work well for homeschooling multiple ages.

It is impossible for me to concentrate handling all of the children with different materials and capabilities. I can sit with them all, but they cannot depend on me getting focus on all child at the same time. Therefore, independence in doing daily work is really highlighted. Adelien at Blessed Learners, Being Prepared for Homeschooling the Multiple Age Children.

Books for Homeschooling with Multiple Ages

Big Book of Ideas Final Cover 3DLFHS-350px-graphic  


From what I understand (admittedly I have only one) homeschooling a family with multiple ages is completely do-able. It may require some extra planning, like utilizing some hands-on learning like, LEGO Learning options. Or, it may require using free printable curriculum that spans age ranges. And, it might mean that you have to think outside of the educational boxes and meet your kids where they are. Oh, wait, that’s kind of true for all homeschooling isn’t it?

If you are homeschooling multiple ages in your home, let me know how many and their age ranges in the comments. 

May you find peaceful homeschooling days ahead.


Renée at Great Peace Academy




This Homeschool Post is part of the iHomeschool Network Resources for Homeschool Moms, (available 10/12/15).


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6 Replies to “How to actually Homeschool Multiple Ages with Expert Advice

  1. This year I have a 4th grader, 3rd grader, 1st grader, 2 year old, and am expecting a new baby in November. We identify the kids into grades by age for social reasons, but the three school age kids are operating at all sorts of different levels in different subjects (we doubled down on the gifted kid asynchrony thing here apparently!). I am also self-employed and work part-time from home, so I can’t devote 12 hours a day to school. What works for us is doing all subjects except for math, grammar/writing, spelling, and reading together. We use Tapestry of Grace, which is an excellent literature-based framework for integrating history, literature, geography, art history, philosophy, and more for multiple ages. We can all study the same era, but I can give out individual assignments. We also do science (Apologia is great for teaching multiple ages at once), Latin, Spanish, composer study, artist study, poetry analysis, and art together. Giving my kids a great education individualized to their unique levels is a big passion of mine, so I have a really strong personal why for homeschooling. And I try to be clear with myself about what my goals are for each subject so we can stay focused. It is not easy by any means, but it is very rewarding!

    I just found your blog today looking for some gifted kid homeschooling resources and have enjoyed reading your archives. Thanks for writing!

    1. Hi Catherine and welcome to Great Peace Academy. I’m so glad you found me. You are so right, reminding yourself of your overall goals, and is very rewarding when we find a key element to opening the mind. Thank you for sharing your story, I love how you are using curriculum that allows you to individualize for each child. It’s a blessing when you can find that! Hope to see you around often.
      Blessings of Peace, Renée

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