10 Must Have Homeschooling Books for Mom and Dad
Homeschooling, as a homeschool mom who started out scared to death that I’d mess up my boy and has grown into a mom who after 8 years is ever-growing in the work, knowledge and joy of homeschooling I know that all along the way there are both challenges and rewards. Whatever part of the path you find yourself on, you can rest assured that someone, somewhere has walked ahead of you and left a bit of knowledge behind to help you get ahead.
Homeschooling today is a lot different from when I started out. It seems that there are more and more curriculum choices and resources being developed every day. Still, it’s a scary prospect to take on the full responsibility of educating a child. No matter how many times I remind myself that we’ve chosen the right option for our child I still have doubts. No matter, how many times I remember how far we’ve come and what is working, I still worry it won’t be enough.
But, I also know and am fully confident that I’m not alone in this process. Nor, am I alone in my doubts. These books are books that I’ve found to be useful and refreshing to me. They provide me with the reassurance I need to continue on in the work which I have started (Philippians 1:6).
10 Homeschooling Books
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The Big Book of Homeschool Ideas
This book is a collaborative book written by 55 homeschooling moms. It’s filled to the brim with encouragement, tips, ideas and lessons for homeschool moms to learn.
Homeschooling 101 a Guide to Get Started
by Erica Arndt at Confessions of a Homeschooler
Whether you are just starting out and unsure of how to get started or you are a seasoned homeschooler in need of a refresher to remind you of your purpose, how to choose curriculum in a new phase or some effective ideas for lesson planning, this book is for you.
Homeschooling When You Want to Quit
by iHomeschool Network Bloggers
Ever feel like throwing in the towel? Of course you do. We all do, at times. This collaborative book is written by the homeschool bloggers of iHomeschool Network offers valid ideas for getting back on focus, managing the day in day out routines and helpfulness to regain the confidence to continue on.
Teaching from Rest
by Sara McKenzie
This is my current read. This book reminds you of the purpose of your homeschooling, calling you back to the hearts of your children and realizing that education begins there, in the heart. Sara helps you to see the importance of allowing your children to learn at their own pace and guides you in the method of scholé.
Blueprint Homeschool
by Amy Knepper
This book is just what it sounds like, a blue print, a step by step guide for how to plan your homeschool year.
Teaching the Trivium
by The Bluedorns
This was the very first homeschooling book that I read. It truly helped me to get a grasp on what I wanted for our home education experience. It helped me to put into perspective my role as a homeschool mom, and our tune in to our main focus. That being said, it is a lot of information and it’s specific to a full classical approach to education. It overwhelmed me, at first. But after researching other methods I was able to take what I needed from this book and remind myself that every homeschool and every family are different.
102 Top Picks – Cathy Duffy
Everyone knows to turn to Cathy Duffy when you want to know about a curriculum. With her 102 Top Picks you will find a handy resource to get all the facts about top curriculum choices for all ages.
The Homeschool Experiment
by Charity Hawkins
This is a book of fiction! But you will read it and laugh because it will sound so much like your own personal story that you’ll wonder if the author was reading your mind. It details one mom’s decision and experience in her first year of homeschooling. It challenges our preconceptions of what we think homeschooling should look like with the realities of schooling within the home.
Lies Homeschooling Mom’s Believe
by Todd Wilson
We all do it! We fall into the traps of our own psyche. You know the ones. The ones that tells you that you aren’t doing enough, that your house isn’t clean like other homeschool moms, that you will fail. Todd, in all of his humorous ways, helps you to remember that these are all lies. That none of us have the perfect homeschool, and when we compare ourselves with other we just set ourselves up to believing lies.
Help I’m Married to a Homeschooling Mom
by Todd Wilson
We all know Todd Wilson’s humorous take on homeschooling. He loves to tell it like it is, but with a funny twist that keeps moms, and dad’s laughing. This book is perfect for dad’s who want to be a good provider and help in the homeschooling process but needs a bit of humor to keep up with all the demands.
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This post is part of Top Ten Tuesday

Bookmarking this post! I have literally read dozens and dozens of homeschooling books and still somehow managed to miss every single one of these. Looks like I’ve got some work to do!
Renee Aleshire Brown
Really? Wow… that’s so funny. I guess everyone gravitates to different kinds of books eh?
Mother of 3
My favorite books (so far!) are the Unschooling Unmanual, the Unschooling Handbook; we’re not unschoolers but reading about the philosophy and implementation of unschooling as helped me to see all the ways my kids learn even when i am not teaching. I also loved the Everything Guide to Homeschooling and the Ultimate book of Homeschooling Ideas. I used those two books so much in the beginning! I think I added at least 6 of these books you listed to my “read” list! Thank you.
Mother of 3 recently posted…My Summer Goals
Renee Aleshire Brown
Thanks so much for sharing your favorite books. I’m going to check those out.
Moms Who Playdate (Amolia G)
I am looking to give my daughter a jump start before school start. I’ve been looking for lesson plans and fun activities; these books will be a big help. Thank you for sharing.
Renee Aleshire Brown
Great! So glad that you’ll find them useful.