Household Chores for Spring Cleaning | Renée at Great Peace #homemaker #household #householdchores #springcleaning #ihsnet
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Household Chores for Spring Cleaning

The spring months bring warmer weather, birds singing and opportunities to start your gardening. Not only that, but it brings with it the perfect time to start your Household Chores for Spring Cleaning. Keep reading to learn how homemakers can manage spring cleaning tasks.

Household Chores for Spring Cleaning | Renée at Great Peace #homemaker #household #householdchores #springcleaning #ihsnet

There is almost nothing that feels as satisfying as a little spring cleaning. Especially once it is complete. However, many find it overwhelming and difficult to get started. This is because to truly deep clean your home for the spring months, there are many tasks you must take on.

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There is good news, however. Spring cleaning doesn’t have to be as difficult as it sounds. In fact, a list of household chores for spring cleaning can help you to keep track of your tasks. 

Household Chores for Spring Cleaning

Wipe Down Ceilings & Walls

Use a broom, you can cover the end with an old pillow case or t-shirt and secure with a rubber band. Then wipe down your ceilings and walls especially in the corners and behind furniture.

Dust along the baseboards and behind furniture in your home using a good vacuum. I use a Hoover Wind Tunnel vacuum.

To get rid of stubborn surface grime, especially when it comes to your kitchen, you can opt for a de-greaser, like Method Kitchen Degreaser

Just make sure to test it on a hidden area of your flooring first to ensure it doesn’t dull your surface.

Shampoo and Vacuum Rugs

Deep clean your carpets with a carpet cleaning machine

any can be rented from places within your city or town. Just make sure that you use these only on carpets that are made of synthetic materials and waterproof backings. Rugs that don’t have the backings, may require a more professional cleaning.

You can also book professional carpet cleaning via Amazon’s local services. Just click the ad below to learn more. 



Dust Shelves and Books

Remove everything off all shelving units in your house. Make sure to dust everything that was on the shelves off, and get into the tight spots on the shelves before putting items back.

I use for fantastic, affordable, natural cleaning products to keep my home clean, smelling great while keeping my family safe from harsh chemicals. 

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Clean all Furniture

Remove all couch and seat cushions and take them outside. Beat them by hand to remove the dust before bringing them back in. I also like to run a vacuum hose over their surface to pull out any remaining dust. Make sure to vacuum under the seat cushions.  

If your furniture has stains make sure to check the labels for care instructions. Many furnishings have machine washable covers. 

Try Real Simple Stain & Odor remover for your fabrics and carpets. Be sure to test in a hidden area first. 

Wash Curtains and Window Coverings 

These things usually go neglected for a while.

Remove all the curtains and give them a good wash. If you have blinds, you can dust them off and even give them a good scrub with soap and water. Now is also a good time to replace any blinds that may be damaged.

Clean Windows and Window Sills 

Give all your windows a good wipe down, including the screens.

You can do this using warm, soapy water. Once windows and screens have been cleaned, make sure to wipe down the window sills as well. 

I use Mrs. Meyer’s Multi-purpose spray for the sills, frames, and screens, and Mrs. Meyer’s Window Cleaner for the glass. 

Move All Furniture and Clean Under

Move all the furniture in your house and make sure to get underneath it. This includes beds, cabinets, shelving, tables, chairs and couches. Then, vacuum, wash and dust all the surfaces usually covered by the furniture. 

Grove’s floor cleaning kit is a great way to clean hard surfaces. 


If you find your house is cluttered, take the time to go through all your belongings. If you haven’t used it in a long time, either donate it, sell it, or throw it out. De-cluttering your home will make it feel lighter, fresher and cleaner.

With the long, harsh winter behind us now is the perfect time to clean up inside your home. Whether you want to call it spring cleaning, or just deep cleaning the purpose is to give your home that fresh clean feel.  



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Household Chores for Spring Cleaning

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