I Know My Identity
It’s Five Minute Friday
On Fridays a group of people link up with The Gypsy Mama to share what five minutes of writing on one topic. Just five minutes of real unedited free writing.
Today’s Topic: Identity
I sit here listening to the gentle snoring of my beloved, and this topic has me thinking. It’s hard to write for 5 minutes when you start thinking. I want the time. I want to write and write and write about this topic but it’s a 5 minute limit so here goes.
I know my identity. I am the daughter of the Living God. He created the world and the universe and every thing that is in it. He did that so that man can live. He created a man and a woman. He created woman specifically for man as a gift to him to be his helper. He placed them in the garden. He longs for man and woman to desire to serve Him.
I know my identity. I am the daughter of the living God. He created me to be the daughter of a coal mining preacher and gentle mother from a tiny town in West Virginia. Their greatest desire in life was to love God and train their children in His nurture.
I know my identity. I am the daughter of the living God. He created me to be the helper to my Beloved the wife, friend, encourager, lover and keeper of the home for him.
I know my identity. I am the daughter of the living God. He created me to be the mother of my Little Man. My surprising and beautiful boy the marvelous blessing in my life, to train up in the nurture and admonition of His Word.
I know my identity. I am the daughter of the living God. He created me to serve Him through Jesus Christ His son. He sent His one and only begotten Son to the world to die for ME, to redeem me from MY sins. I am the forgiven child whom He has had mercy on through the blood of Jesus Christ.
I know my identity. I am the daughter of the living God.
Do you know your identity?
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