I’m the kind of mom who gives my son the last bite of my cupcake because he was looking longingly at it.
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I’m the kind of mom who stops what I’m doing to listen intently as he tells me about his next great idea, or Minecraft build, or plan of whatever sort it might be, because he is more important to me than whatever that thing was I was previously doing.
I’m the kind of mom who measures my son’s growth by how his hand fits in mind and realize there will come a day when he won’t want to fit it in my hand anymore.
And, the one who let’s her almost teen age son come in and snuggle in my bed in the morning when he chooses to, because I know soon enough he will not choose to.
I actually enjoy playing board games with my kid.
I cherish every moment with my child and get disgusted by moms who complain about theirs.
I’m the kind of mom who stashes quarters in her purse so her son can buy a gum-ball from the machine at a grocery, and I’m the kind of mom that occasionally buys him a Minecraft thingamajig at the checkout lane because he didn’t ask for it and surprise him with it the next day, because I want him to have great memories of childhood.
But Also I’m the Kind of Mom…
who won’t tolerate him speaking disrespectfully to anyone,
who makes her son make his bed everyday,
who reminds her son to be fruit, um, ya know, the fruit of the spirit,
who sets expectations and let’s him know when he hasn’t met them by following through with consequences,
who prays for his future, and his future wife.
and, who reminds her son to say yes/no ma’am and sir,
who teaches my son that people are more important than things,
and, I’m the kind of mom who taught her son a long time ago how to open a door and hold it for a lady.
I’m not a perfect mom. No one is. But I am the kind of mom seeking to point my son toward heaven.
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This post is part of iHomeschool Network “I’m That Mom” Link Up.
Thank you Renee…I am just a homeschool Misdouri mama who opens Beowulf in her birkies, and fans the flame of books! I meet you most often in the wee hours of the night, a.d glorify the Lord for placing your site in my path… My passion is to live this blessed calling of homeschooling with
The greatest of intentionality, equipped by the empowerment of our sovereign Lord and Savior. The threads of commonality here has drawn me to you… We too are privileged to parent an only child…An 11yr. Old amazing guy!! And… Have created our family through adoption. Our guy is gifted, and a visual spatial learner…perhaps our paths will cross one day! Would love that!
All is His Grace,
Kathy Carter
Wow we have a lot in common! It would be neat to meet. Welcome to our Academy, I hope to see you around often.