Marriage Challenge Day 5: Pray for Him | Renée at Great Peace #marriagechallenge #marriagemoments #wives #prayer
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Marriage Challenge Day 4: Commit to Prayer

Marriage Challenge Day 4 Commit to Prayer |Marriage Moments with Great Peace Academy

Prayer is a powerful connection between you and the one who created you. What better way to grow in love with your husband than to bring him into your prayer as you fall before the Lord’s throne?

Marriage Challenge Day 5: Pray for Him | Renée at Great Peace #marriagechallenge #marriagemoments #wives #prayer


God our Father longs for each of his children to come to Him in prayer. He cares for us, and wants us to desire to draw near to Him. When life’s burdens come your way, when struggles are present in your marriage, when finances are tight and job woes exist, the greatest thing you can do is to cast your care upon the Father, for He cares for you. 

“Therefore humble yourselves under the mighty hand of God, that He may exalt you in due time, casting all your care upon Him, for He cares for you.” 1 Peter 5:6,7.

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 Your husband needs you far more than you can imagine. A good wife is a trustworthy wife, gentle, meek and brings honor to her husband all of her days. But, you can’t do it alone. God is there to guide you. He will through His word, the Bible. That is how He communicates with us today. But we can communicate with him, through prayer.  

“Continue earnestly in prayer, being vigilant in it with thanksgiving;” Colossians 4:2

Pray for Him Daily

Something is going to happen when you pray daily for your husband, your marriage and your relationship. You will find yourself drawing closer to him and you will discover that he responds by drawing closer to you as well. 

I suggest that you tell him that you are praying for him. It doesn’t have to be this huge proclamation. It should be a subtle mention on occasion. Like when he has a big meeting at work, “I’ll pray specifically about your meeting today.

Or perhaps, when there is a struggle in the family, like needing car repair and funds aren’t available. “I’m going to pray about this and ask the Lord’s blessing on this situation.” Maybe it’s a big decision that he needs to make for your family. “I’m going to pray that God blesses you with wisdom to make the right decision, and when you have decided, I’ll trust and support your choice.” Sometimes you can let him know in a text that you have him on  your heart and in your prayers.

He will soon learn that he can come to you with weighty things and trust that you will pray for him, whatever the situation may be. 

Not sure how to start? Prayer is not as difficult as some might try to make it. It’s simply talking to God. Be respectful, humble and honest.

“Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God;” Philippians 4:6. 


10 Suggested Prayers of Thanksgiving

  1. Offer thanksgiving for your marriage. 
  2. Offer thanksgiving for the man (by name) that you are blessed to call your husband.
  3. Offer thanksgiving for the number or years that you have been together.
  4. Offer thanksgiving for the work he does around your home to take care of you and the children (examples, lawn care, automotive care, finances, or any other thing he does), be specific.
  5. Offer thanksgiving for the work he does to provide income for your family.
  6. Offer thanksgiving for the blessing of your intimate relationship.
  7. Offer thanksgiving for the children that you are blessed to be training up alongside him.
  8. Offer thanksgiving for the character trait that best describes your husband, or that you truly admire in him.
  9. Offer thanksgiving for the way he treats you like his bride, lady, or whatever the term is that he uses that makes you feel beautiful. 
  10. Offer thanksgiving for his strength and the safety you feel when with him. 



Suggested Prayers to Pray For Him

  1. Pray that God will bless him with wisdom.
  2. Pray that he will be an honorable leader to you and your children, seeking to lead your family towards heaven.
  3. Pray that he will study God’s word.
  4. Pray that he will have a humble heart.
  5. Pray for any specific character struggle that he may have. (For example, if he struggles to be on time, or being organized with paperwork, or perhaps he struggles with anger issues).
  6. Pray for the work that he does with his hands and mind in his employment.
  7. Pray for him to be a light of Jesus to those he works with daily.
  8. Pray asking for safety for him as he travels to/from work.
  9. Pray for your intimate relationship to be, stay, or grow stronger, whichever you need it to be. 
  10. Pray for his role as father, ask for guidance, wisdom and discernment for him as he teaches, leads and disciplines your children and ask blessings upon his relationship with each of your children.

Prayers to Pray for Your Role as His Wife

  1. Pray that YOU will learn to be a submissive, respectful and loving wife to your husband seeking to honor him, 1 Peter 3:5.
  2. Pray that you will be effective in communicating with each other, and that you will be a good listener when he speaks. 
  3. Pray that you present yourself to others in a way which brings honor to his name, for example the way you dress should be modest, your speech should be pure, your attitude should be reverent, humble and not quarrelsome, don’t be a busy-body. 1 Timothy 3 & 4.
  4. Pray for guidance to be the kind of helper toward your husband that God wants you to be, Genesis 2:18.
  5. Pray that you will have a tender heart with meekness toward him, Colossians 3:12.
  6. Pray that with a loving heart you can comfort your man when he needs to be comforted, Genesis 24:67.
  7. Pray that you will be attentive to his physical needs for intimacy. 1 Corinthians 7:5.
  8. Pray for strength and wisdom to be a good homemaker. Titus 2:5. Also pray that you will have an hospitable attitude about your home. 1 Peter 4:9. 
  9. Pray that you can be found by him to be completely trustworthy, Proverbs 31:11.
  10. Pray that in all your conversation with others that you speak only what is honorable about him, Proverbs 31:23.
5 Day Marriage Challenge | Marriage Moments with Great Peace Academy

Prayer is powerful because you are talking to the Creator of all. He loves you dearly, enough that He sent Jesus to die for you and your husband. He longs to draw near to you.

Do you have additional suggestions for prayers to pray for your husband or relationship? If so, please share them in the comment section below. 

If you are not accustomed to prayer, or you want to know more about God and His Son, please email me I’ll be happy to share the Lord’s word with you. 



Join me for this 5 Day Marriage Challenge: to Win the Love of his Heart, Again.

5 Day Marriage Challenge | Renèe at Great Peace #marriagemoments #marriagechallenge #marriage #wives

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This post series is a part of iHomeschool Network’s Summer Hopscotch.


Marriage Challenge Day 4: Commit to Prayer


  • Vicky

    Awesome post!!! All he challenges so far are so thoughtful and much needed in my life! But this one is the icing on the cake! Prayer doesn’t cost anything- doesn’t require anything except sincere heartfelt time. The greatest gift of all!!

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