<meta property="og:description" content="A few months ago, Beloved and I were at a wedding reception. The DJ had everyone who was married go out on the dance floor. Then he asked them to leave the dance floor based upon the number of years they were married. 'If you've been married for less than a year leave the floor.' Then he continued to increase the number of years. The goal being the last couple on the floor would be the couple who had been married the longest. Beloved and I were one of the last 5 couples on the floor. We being at the 20 year mark. Once we left, there were only 4 couples remaining. Their length of marriage was 40 years. The last 2 couples were at 45 years. What surprised me was that from our 20 mark to the 40 year mark, there were no couples represented. There were no 25 year marks or 30 or 35 year marks.As I thought about this I was struck by the fact that there was a 20 year gap. That is a sad state of the society we live in. Now, it could be that this wedding was unique in not representing those 20 years. However, I would venture to guess that it was a fairly honest representation of the past 40 years of marriage in this country. I started thinking that marriage has become sort of a joke. I know a lot of poeple who think, 'If it doesn't work out, we can just get a divorce.'  I suppose a child who had divorced parents would find that to be a reasonable thought. I however was not a child of divorced parents. My parents have been married for 55 years. They taught me that marriage is until parted by death. Most wedding vows include this line. Yet, it seems as if our society doesn't take serious those vows. I'm training up my Little Man to have the same value of marriage that I hold dear. I want to encourage him to live marriage out, not give in when it gets hard. I though it would be a good idea to take a moment each week to talk about marriage. I still have a lot to learn and maybe you can help me and I can encourage you. Perhaps we can all share some of our Marriage Moments with each other as we each strive to keep on keeping on.Here's my first Marriage Moment...Marriage was an institution created by God. It was never from man's imagination. He created marriage when he created the woman for man. Jesus himself tells us about marriage. Matthew 19:4-6New King James Version (NKJV)4 And He answered and said to them, “Have you not read that He who made them at the beginning ‘made them male and female,’ 5 and said, ‘For this reason a man shall leave his father and mother and be joined to his wife, and the two shall become one flesh’?  6 So then, they are no longer two but one flesh. Therefore what God has joined together, let not man separate.”Marriage is beautiful when the 2 work together to keep it strong. But, it isn't easy. For me it is a choice I make each and every day, to STAY married. I love my husband dearly, as he does me. Some days it is easier to love than others. That new love that you start out with fades. But if you allow it, it can grow into an abiding love that will stay with you through the not so romantic times, through the hard struggles of life, through the times when your spouse doesn't quite look the same as they did on your wedding day, as well as the moments of overwhelming pure love. In order to get to those moments though, you have to stick with it. If you give up, you shall never find the Happy Ever After moment of your life. Would you like to join me by adding your own Marriage Moment? Go to your blog, write your post.Copy the Marriage Moment Button Below, add it to your blog page or post.Click the Linky Tool Below and Follow the Instructions.Offer encouragement to the link just before your own.Happy Marriage Everyone!  "> <meta name="twitter:description" content="A few months ago, Beloved and I were at a wedding reception. The DJ had everyone who was married go out on the dance floor. Then he asked them to leave the dance floor based upon the number of years they were married. 'If you've been married for less than a year leave the floor.' Then he continued to increase the number of years. The goal being the last couple on the floor would be the couple who had been married the longest. Beloved and I were one of the last 5 couples on the floor. We being at the 20 year mark. Once we left, there were only 4 couples remaining. Their length of marriage was 40 years. The last 2 couples were at 45 years. What surprised me was that from our 20 mark to the 40 year mark, there were no couples represented. There were no 25 year marks or 30 or 35 year marks.As I thought about this I was struck by the fact that there was a 20 year gap. That is a sad state of the society we live in. Now, it could be that this wedding was unique in not representing those 20 years. However, I would venture to guess that it was a fairly honest representation of the past 40 years of marriage in this country. I started thinking that marriage has become sort of a joke. I know a lot of poeple who think, 'If it doesn't work out, we can just get a divorce.'  I suppose a child who had divorced parents would find that to be a reasonable thought. I however was not a child of divorced parents. My parents have been married for 55 years. They taught me that marriage is until parted by death. Most wedding vows include this line. Yet, it seems as if our society doesn't take serious those vows. I'm training up my Little Man to have the same value of marriage that I hold dear. I want to encourage him to live marriage out, not give in when it gets hard. I though it would be a good idea to take a moment each week to talk about marriage. I still have a lot to learn and maybe you can help me and I can encourage you. Perhaps we can all share some of our Marriage Moments with each other as we each strive to keep on keeping on.Here's my first Marriage Moment...Marriage was an institution created by God. It was never from man's imagination. He created marriage when he created the woman for man. Jesus himself tells us about marriage. Matthew 19:4-6New King James Version (NKJV)4 And He answered and said to them, “Have you not read that He who made them at the beginning ‘made them male and female,’ 5 and said, ‘For this reason a man shall leave his father and mother and be joined to his wife, and the two shall become one flesh’?  6 So then, they are no longer two but one flesh. Therefore what God has joined together, let not man separate.”Marriage is beautiful when the 2 work together to keep it strong. But, it isn't easy. For me it is a choice I make each and every day, to STAY married. I love my husband dearly, as he does me. Some days it is easier to love than others. That new love that you start out with fades. But if you allow it, it can grow into an abiding love that will stay with you through the not so romantic times, through the hard struggles of life, through the times when your spouse doesn't quite look the same as they did on your wedding day, as well as the moments of overwhelming pure love. In order to get to those moments though, you have to stick with it. If you give up, you shall never find the Happy Ever After moment of your life. Would you like to join me by adding your own Marriage Moment? Go to your blog, write your post.Copy the Marriage Moment Button Below, add it to your blog page or post.Click the Linky Tool Below and Follow the Instructions.Offer encouragement to the link just before your own.Happy Marriage Everyone!  ">
Christian Parenting,  Family,  Marriage Moments

Marriage Moment: Happy Ever After

A few months ago, Beloved and I were at a wedding reception. The DJ had everyone who was married go out on the dance floor. Then he asked them to leave the dance floor based upon the number of years they were married. “If you’ve been married for less than a year leave the floor.” Then he continued to increase the number of years. The goal being the last couple on the floor would be the couple who had been married the longest. Beloved and I were one of the last 5 couples on the floor. We being at the 20 year mark. Once we left, there were only 4 couples remaining. Their length of marriage was 40 years. The last 2 couples were at 45 years. What surprised me was that from our 20 mark to the 40 year mark, there were no couples represented. There were no 25 year marks or 30 or 35 year marks.
As I thought about this I was struck by the fact that there was a 20 year gap. That is a sad state of the society we live in. Now, it could be that this wedding was unique in not representing those 20 years. However, I would venture to guess that it was a fairly honest representation of the past 40 years of marriage in this country.
I started thinking that marriage has become sort of a joke. I know a lot of poeple who think, “If it doesn’t work out, we can just get a divorce.”  I suppose a child who had divorced parents would find that to be a reasonable thought. I however was not a child of divorced parents. My parents have been married for 55 years. They taught me that marriage is until parted by death. Most wedding vows include this line. Yet, it seems as if our society doesn’t take serious those vows.
I’m training up my Little Man to have the same value of marriage that I hold dear. I want to encourage him to live marriage out, not give in when it gets hard. I though it would be a good idea to take a moment each week to talk about marriage. I still have a lot to learn and maybe you can help me and I can encourage you. Perhaps we can all share some of our Marriage Moments with each other as we each strive to keep on keeping on.
Here’s my first Marriage Moment…
Marriage was an institution created by God. It was never from man’s imagination. He created marriage when he created the woman for man. Jesus himself tells us about marriage.
Matthew 19:4-6New King James Version (NKJV)
And He answered and said to them, “Have you not read that He who made them at the beginning ‘made them male and female,’ and said, ‘For this reason a man shall leave his father and mother and be joined to his wife, and the two shall become one flesh’?  So then, they are no longer two but one flesh. Therefore what God has joined together, let not man separate.”
Marriage is beautiful when the 2 work together to keep it strong. But, it isn’t easy. For me it is a choice I make each and every day, to STAY married. I love my husband dearly, as he does me. Some days it is easier to love than others. That new love that you start out with fades. But if you allow it, it can grow into an abiding love that will stay with you through the not so romantic times, through the hard struggles of life, through the times when your spouse doesn’t quite look the same as they did on your wedding day, as well as the moments of overwhelming pure love.
In order to get to those moments though, you have to stick with it. If you give up, you shall never find the Happy Ever After moment of your life.
Would you like to join me by adding your own Marriage Moment?
  • Go to your blog, write your post.
  • Copy the Marriage Moment Button Below, add it to your blog page or post.
  • Click the Linky Tool Below and Follow the Instructions.
  • Offer encouragement to the link just before your own.
  • Happy Marriage Everyone! 
Marriage Moment

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