Marriage Moments

Are you seeking to have a Biblical marriage? Me too. When I look around and see how quickly and how many marriages are failing I am saddened. I wonder if women simply don’t understand what Biblical marriage is.

Marriage Moments with Renée at Great Peace~Marriage Moments explores how wives can grow and strengthen their Christian marriages. Learn the bibilical model and find peace when following God's design.

Encouraging & Strengthening Biblical Marriage

I’m no expert, really. But I’ve been married for more than 25 years, and together, my Beloved and I have survived many trials.  

Why? Because we made a decision to honor each other. He honors me, and I honor him. It’s not always easy, but we’ve learned that in so doing we have a more peaceful marriage.

With Marriage Moments I seek to encourage you to have a strong marriage as well, especially one that is grounded in a Biblical foundation.

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Sadly, in America marriage, like so many other things, has come to resemble a drive through institution. So many are leaving their marriages when the going gets tough because they have flawed expectations for marriage.

Having a marriage that lasts takes commitment and a desire to grow together rather than apart and to seek the highest good of each other rather than one’s self.

I love being married. As a parent, I’ve also learned that having a strong marriage is one of the foundation stones to homes of great peace. Follow along as I share Marriage Moments where I offer encouragement, tips, and advice for developing, growing and maintaining a strong Biblical marriage. Your wife shall be like a fruitful vine In the very heart of your house, Your children like olive plants all around your table.” Psalm 128:3

What you will find with Marriage Moments

Marriage Moments at Renée at Great Peace are intended to help you to see that building strong, Christian, marriages is possible. Though it requires work when you learn to develop an abiding love you’ll discover a great peace that brings comfort to not only yourselves, but to your children, and others in your life as well. 

Encouragement for Developing Strong, Christian, Marriages 

 Marriage Date Ideas

Marriage Challenge

Biblical Intimacy in Marriage

Keeping Peace in the Marriage

How to Handle Marriage During Difficult Times

9 secrets to long-lasting relationships

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