Family,  Marriage Moments

Marriage Moment:Waiting for an Open Door, Give Thanks Days 25, 26

Marriage Moment:

Sometimes we are tired. In our marriages we just get so very tired. We work day in and day out to keep our marriages strong. In addition to the relationship work of marriage there is the life work, the career work and in my case the homeschool work, there is the service in the Lord’s body, there is mommy and daddy work, friend work and on and on. Life requires work and has since Adam and Eve were sent out of the Garden of Eden because of their sin.

Right now my husband is working weekends as a freelancer. Why? He hasn’t secured a new full time job since losing his job unexpectedly in August. His choices are unemployment or freelance. He chooses freelance, because he would rather work hard to earn a living. I love him for that. Not that I believe there is anything wrong with unemployment, I simply love him for choosing to work. 

Sometimes it seems as if the more we work the less we accomplish, like our work matters for nothing. That’s when I begin to fear that we will be stuck in this place of nothing permanent for far longer than we can afford. I try to fall to my knees before the Father and ask for courage to face the moment. Then, I remember that I am a child of God. God has promised to care for me, He is faithful. Right now the work is hard. It’s hard for Beloved because it requires more physical work than he is used to. It’s hard for me because he is away from home overnights Fridays. I miss him.

The door was closed in August. It seems as if we are stuck behind a closed door. But what I know, without a doubt is that God is the only one who opens and shuts doors in our lives. He will set an open door for our family in His time and in His way. In the mean-time He will keep us safe. Then He will lead us safely through the open door, wherever that may be. I pray that we will faithfully continue to work for His glory and that we will bring Honor to Him alone in all we do.  

I’m tired. But I won’t give up! Because God won’t give up on me, nor will he give up on our marriage, our life, our work. 

Revelation 3:8

 “I know your works. See, I have set before you an open door, and no one can shut it; for you have a little strength, have kept My word, and have not denied My name.”

What’s Your Marriage Moment?

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  • Happy Marriage Everyone! 
Marriage Moment

Linking Up With:

The Alabaster Jar


30 Days to Give Thanks: Days 25 & 26

Day 25
I’m a little late with Sunday’s Thanksgiving. That is due to the fact that I spent the day in worship, praising and giving thanks to my Father in person. I am thankful that I have that opportunity, each and every week. I am thankful that there are congregations of the Lord’s church all over this country and regardless of where I travel I can find family to worship with. Today I am thankful for our home congregation. The Pickerington Church of Christ. I’m thankful for the way we worship in spirit and in truth. I am thankful for the unity which we share in Christ Jesus.

Day 26
This day I am thankful for school books and homeschool curricula. From what I have come to learn, the readily available products that have flooded the markets, have only really become available in the last 10-12 years. Prior to that mom’s had to scramble, fight, plead and beg to find enough good quality curricula. Today it can be found in abundance, and for the most part it is relatively affordable. 

Psalm 139:30
I will greatly praise the Lord with my mouth;
Yes, I will praise Him among the multitude.

Deuteronomy 31:19

“Now therefore, write down this song for yourselves, and teach it to the children of Israel; put it in their mouths, that this song may be a witness for Me against the children of Israel.

Most High and Holy King, Gracious Father to you I pray. I thank you for the establishment of your church and that I have the great and awesome priviledge of joining her with thankful heart and praise on my lips in worship. I thank you that in Christ we have unity of Spirit if we continue to walk in your Will. Grant that I might be honored to fall at your feet in worship and that I shall not forsake the assembling for selfish desires. May I dear Lord, always seek to place you at the Highest Place giving Honor to You through your Precious Son Jesus Christ.

I thank you Lord God, for providing to me in this age, the ability to buy books and curriculum to train up my child. I am thankful that these things offer me a chance to teach and nurture in your word, casting aside the worldly teaching that surrounds us daily. I pray that in so doing, I will magnify your name in his life. I pray that I beside of his father with be able to guide him to the path that leads to a heavenly home with you.
Through Christ the Most Precious Savior I pray.

This Week @ Great Peace Academy

This Week @ Great Peace Academy

Just 1 more week of Giving Thanks in blog form. 
It’s a great time to join in the fun. Just add your link to the Inlinkz Tool below, grab the button, add it to your page and let us know what you are thankful for.

To see more of my posts See here: Great Peace Academy’s 30 Days to Give Thanks
To see my cohost’s posts See here: Davonne Parks 30 Days to Give Thanks

Davonne ParksAnd Don’t Forget, Davonne is offering two 75 % off Coupon Codes for her e-book to all participants of this Link Up. You must Link your blog to the Link Up’s direct link and you must list your Thanksgivings in your link, to qualify. Links without thanksgivings will not qualitfy.

Disclaimer: 28 Days to Timeliness is an affiliate and I may receive compensation for purchases made through my site

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