Martha’s Family
It’s 5 Minute Friday, that means I link up with Lisa-Jo over at The Gypsy Mama. She gives us a topic and we write for five minutes. Just straight up writing, no editing, just pure freewill writing.
This weeks topic – Perspective.
My husbands dog just climbed up on the couch next to me. I say my husbands dog because he wanted to bring her home 5 years ago when I most certainly did not. From my perspective she is his dog.
From Little Man’s perspective Martha (that’s her name) belongs to him. She on the other hand isn’t quite sure.
From Martha’s perspective I am the one who usually feeds her so from her perspective I am her human.
My Beloved considers her the family dog.
She’s a good dog and she’s learning to Bond to Little Man. She knows my moods and seems to somehow want to help. Plus she barks when strangers come so I know when someones around and that brings me comfort. She chases balls when Beloved throws them and the little boy in him gets a thrill out of that.
After 5 years I finally think my Beloveds perspective is the right one.
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