My Homeschool Planner

Homeschool Teacher Planner
What’s In the Homeschool Planner?
In this academic year planner for teachers you will find a simple, easy to use planner. It has everything you need to keep your planning organized without a lot of extras to overwhelm you.
d Family Statement of Purpose
d Year at a Glance for 2014-2015
d Goal Planner with Student Goal Pages
d 12 Month Calendar
d Lesson Planning Pages
d Reading Logs
d Enhancement Class Log
d Field Trip Log
d Special Projects Log
d Service Projects Log
d Plenty of pages for notes
I created this Homeschool Teacher Planner in digital (pdf) format, so that you can print what you need for your family. I included space for planning for 6 children, but you are welcome to print additional goal planning, lesson planning or log pages if you need too.

Homeschool Teacher Planner
Completing your Planner
Don’t delay! Get your planner today and start prepping for the 2014/2015 Academic Year.
Homeschool Teacher Planner
“The Homeschool Teacher Planner from Renee Brown at Great Peace Academy is possibly the prettiest planner I’ve ever had the honor to use! Each page is not only pleasing to the eye, but colorful, and with a touch of whimsy with each of those wonderful flowers. Not only is it something you’ll enjoy using simply for it’s beauty, but it is 100% useful in planning out your lessons. Each square or other space provided has ample room to write all the information you could ever need to write while planning and it’s laid out for the entire 12 month year. I’ve already begun planning into next year while using it simply because I was too excited to keep my hands off of it!” – Chrystal from Homeschool Campers Blog
“I was one of the people who won a copy of your homeschool planner. I just want to say thank you! It has been wonderful to use it as we just started homeschool back up for our second year in mid June. Your planner has made my life so much easier. It’s not easy to homeschool in NY, and this has helped me greatly. Thank you again.” – Melissa, a homeschool mom.
“First of all it’s just so pretty.There are flowers and colors and happiness on every page. I’m a visual person so this matters to me. Another thing I liked about this planner is that here are plenty of “NOTES” pages that I can use for making lists and keeping up with ideas that I have throughout the year. I believe that this planner will work well as a journal/planner or a more detailed planner.My favorite part of this planner is the “Family Statement of Purpose” page. I had recently told my husband that I need to write down why we do what we do so that during the school year I can look back at it and renew my mind.” Amanda from Art by Amanda
A: Simply click on the Add to Cart button. You will be directed to a sales page where you can enter the quantity of downloads you wish to purchase. You may pay with credit card or paypal account. Once you have completed the purchase you will be able to download your pages and save the file to your preferred folder on your computer.
A: Immediately. As soon as you complete the purchase your browser will redirect you to a new page with the pdf download. You also will receive an email containing a link to the download page in the event that you don’t have time to download immediately.
Q: Can I share these printable pages with friends, families or other members of my co-op?
A: I would love for you to recommend these printable pages to your friends and family. You may print what you need for your family’s use for the academic year. For complete copyright guidelines see the cover page of the downloads.
Q: What should I do if I don’t receive the download link?
A: If you weren’t redirected to the download page and you didn’t receive your email with the link, first check your spam folder to ensure it wasn’t sent to there. If you still do not have the download link, simply send me an email and I will verify your purchase, then ensure you receive the product.
Q: Do you offer review copies and affiliate program to other bloggers?
A: I do offer review copies in exchange for an honest review of the product. Simply email me and request a copy. I do offer an affiliate program for this as well as other products.