One of My Favorite Homeschool Items and Thirty Days to Give Thanks: Day 27
 One of my Favorites: I thought I would share with you a favorite homeschool item. It is such for both myself and for Little Man. It is the Scholastic Children’s Dictionary.  This book is not like most dictionaries. It has the basis, yes, but it offers so much more. There are full color graphics on every page. There are labeled illustrations of many words as well as diagrams of things like escalators, clipper ships and termite mounds. It also has inset information about subjects like world history, spelling and grammar tips. I often find when assigning spelling vocabulary and dictionary work, that Jonathan get’s caught up in studying the…
Marriage Moment:Waiting for an Open Door, Give Thanks Days 25, 26
Marriage Moment: Sometimes we are tired. In our marriages we just get so very tired. We work day in and day out to keep our marriages strong. In addition to the relationship work of marriage there is the life work, the career work and in my case the homeschool work, there is the service in the Lord’s body, there is mommy and daddy work, friend work and on and on. Life requires work and has since Adam and Eve were sent out of the Garden of Eden because of their sin. Right now my husband is working weekends as a freelancer. Why? He hasn’t secured a new full time job…
Family,  Homemaking
This Week…. School & Thanksgiving with Friends
This Week…Monday was a school day here at the Academy. .Literature: The Golden GobletWe read all of chapter four. Ranofer has decided to confide in his new friend Heqet. The two of them decide that Heqet can tell to the goldsmith Rekh what has been happening with the gold. The devise a plan that will allow for Ranofer to be left out of the loop. But before they can make the plan work Ibni presents Ranofer with another wineskin to give to Gebu. Ranofer, afraid of Gebu’s terrible fists, takes him the wineskin. Gebu surprises Ranofer with some copper coins for which he will gladly buy himself some food.Science: This…
30 Days to Give Thanks: Day 23
We are nearing the end of the month of November. The Thanksgiving Day is behind us. That does not mean that we should stop being thankful. That’s why my co-host and I decided to have our blog hop party for 30 days. It’s not too late to tell us what you are thankful for.Today I am thankful for Vacuum Cleaners Yes, I know that is such a small thing to be thankful for. After all vacuums have been around for well over 100 years. Today I set to deep cleaning Little Man’s bedroom. I must say it has been a very long time. My previous vacuum had not been working…
Happy Thanksgiving Day
Today I am thankful for God. I am thankful for the blessings He so graciously gives to my family, my friends and this country everyday. We should humbly offer prayers of thanksgiving to Him not only on this day but on each day that He grants us the breath of life. 1 Timothy 4:4-5 4 For every creature of God is good, and nothing is to be refused if it is received with thanksgiving; 5 for it is sanctified by the word of God and prayer. Most gracious Lord I thank you for you are wonderful, righteous and holy in all of your ways. I praise you for your goodness and your loving kindness. I am…
Devotions: Walk in the Spirit, 30 Days to Give Thanks: Day 21
In our Sunday evening worship our minister, Anthony, has been doing a study of the Spirit and how he works in our lives. We have mostly been studying from the book of Colossians. For the past few days this verse has been coming to my heart. I believe it goes along well with the study I have engaged in on sanctification. I’m sure we will come across this portion of sanctification in a future study, but it has so been on my heart that I decided to share it here.To read more see here: Walk in the Spirit _________________________________________________ 30 Days to Give Thanks: Day 21 Thankful for the Elderly Today…
Marriage Moment: How Does He Love Me? and 30 Days to Give Thanks Link Up
Marriage Moment: How Does He Love Me? How does he love me? I am such a flawed and imperfect human. Yet he continues to love me despite myself. He loves me by seeking my own good above his own. He forgives me when I treat him wrong. He guides me in step with the Father’s will, because he loves my soul as much as he loves my life. He still reaches for my hand when we walk beside of each other. He still opens doors for me. He carries heavy things so that I don’t have to. He willingly helps around the house, even though I have told him he…
30 Days to Give Thanks Day 18
Today I am thankful for the kids in the 3rd & 4th Grade Bible Class that I teach. This morning they worked diligently to say their memory verses. Some did several.  But everyone present said at least one. I’m so proud of how much they are working. I’m thrilled to see how they get excited and encourage each other in learning more. What great little learners they are!Proverbs 7:1-3My son, keep my words,And treasure my commands within you.2 Keep my commands and live,And my law as the apple of your eye.3 Bind them on your fingers;Write them on the tablet of your heart.Lord, I thank you for these beautiful children. I thank…