• Homeschool

    This Week… A Week Off

    Gym, A Recital, and Play Yes, I mean a week off. After making the decision to school through most of summer. I started considering plans for the “new” school year and when I wanted to begin. I have a lot coming up later in summer and know that if I want to get started with a brand new school year it’s going to be later than usual.  Then, I started noticing that Little Man and I have been kind of grumpy with each other. That got me to thinking maybe, just maybe, I’ve been a bit stressed of late. So I made the decision to take a week off of…

  • Homeschool

    This Week… Student Self Pacing

    Slowing Down a Bit This week at Great Peace Academy, following our week away in Cleveland last week, I decided to slowly ease back into a school routine. In fact, I’m encouraging Little Man to self pace his learning. I’ve given him some options to choose from. I know the options given will be educational but he has a measure of control over what and when he learns. We take very little time off through the academic year so sometimes allowing him to do this is a great motivator. We focused on key subjects this week rather than spreading out to a lot of topics.  Disclosure: This post contains affiliate…

  • Family,  Homemaking

    This Week… Quiet Family Time

    Lazy Summer Days At Great Peace Academy This post contains affiliate links which may result in this blogger receiving paid compensation for purchases made. For further details see my disclosure policy.Thank you for supporting this blog and our academy.  This week the Lord has led us to some quiet times, which upon reflection I am grateful for. We started the week thinking there would be travel both for me and Beloved. But unforeseen circumstances has made it so that we are home. We haven’t really left home, except for Bible Study and a couple of quick trips into town for errands. It has been wonderful, and has granted us as…

  • Homeschool

    This Week… Homeschool Highlights

    Finding encouragement in routine & Friends This week we settled back into our regular routine after taking a week off last week. I am working on being a little more structured in my planning. I’m giving a new planner a try which I hope to share with you soon.I am busy prepping for a seminar I will be speaking at next Thursday. I’ve been trying to put the final touches on my presentation so I can spend a few days simply rehearsing. It will be about Learning with LEGO and I am excited by both what I have discovered and being able to share it with fellow homeschool moms. I love…

  • Family,  Homeschool

    This Week… Fall Break

    A Little Homeschool Breathing Time As we finish up the month of October, I decided to take a week off. We have been working pretty diligently for 8 weeks, so it was time for the family to breath a little. I think it’s important to teach our kids to read for fun, not just for school. So I encouraged Little Man to start reading, The Long Winter by Laura Ingalls Wilder. He spent a good deal of time drawing, playing video games, playing with Lego bricks and watching you-tube Hot wheels videos. I was able to release my first eBook. You can find that on this post: 10 Days of…

  • Bible Study,  Gifted Homeschool,  Homeschool

    This Week… Homeschool Week Complete

    Finally Settling into the 2013/14 Homeschool Year Disclosure: This post contains affiliate links. Thank you for supporting Great Peace Academy. For more information see my disclosure policy. This week was the first week we were able to settle in and complete an entire week of homeschool. It’s only October. We worked during September but those weeks were scattered. Our landing into the new school year was rough to say the least. But we have settled in now to a routine which I am pretty thankful for. Along with the iHomeschool Network team we did a short study of copyright. I explained to Jonathan that it’s copying and/or sharing printed or…

  • Big Emotions, emotional intensity in gifted children.
    Bible Study,  Christian Parenting,  Devotionals for Women,  Family,  Gifted Homeschool,  Homeschool

    Little Man Big Emotions

    Emotional Intensity in the Gifted Child I have been struggling this week and last as the teacher of a child with emotional intensity and asynchronous tendencies. Last spring I really began to research gifted and talented tendencies in children. First, let me say that I believe all children have unique gifts and talents. This identification is in my opinion a misnomer. That being said, they are the terms used by educators, psychologists, pediatricians and scientist used to describe people who have a higher IQ than the average person. Beloved and I have not yet chosen to have our son’s IQ tested. Even among the experts there are very mixed opinions…