• Home Canning Preserves Freshness for the Whole Year and Makes Meal Planning Easier | Renée at Great Peace #mealplanning #whatsfordinner #cooking
    Blog,  Homemaking,  Meal Planning

    How I Stock Up with Canning

    Extending Good Deals Throughout the Year Home canning is a good way to extend your purchased groceries for a longer period of time. Since I love canning and think that it’s easy and anyone can do it, I want to share with you some of my recommendations for canning products. You can find them at the bottom of this post. This post contains affiliate advertisement links to 3rd party sites. For hundreds of years homemakers have used the process of canning to preserve food. For many canning is as much a part of life as is eating. Especially if they also garden. Canning allows cooks to extend foods that are…

  • Blog

    Blogger Tip: Turning Your Homepage into a Preview Page

    For a little over a year I have been blogging. Whenever I wanted to learn “how do you do that?” I would do a Google search until I found the answer.I was thrilled when I discovered The Cutest Blog on the Block, they have FREE templates, backgrounds, blinkies and more, which I totally love and have used for 2 different backgrounds. love the one that I am currently using. When I wanted to know how to build my own blogger buttons, again I turned to google and finally found the “Grab My Button Code Generator” website which again, is totally FREE. Did I mention that I love FREE. I have…

  • Bible Study,  Christian Parenting,  Devotionals for Women,  Family

    This Week… Studies and Socializing & 30 Days to Give Thanks Day 17

    This Week…Oh I am so tired after all the planning for this weeks Thanksgiving festivities at our homeschool group. Bible:  Progressing forward in Exodus, Jonathan began to walk with the Israelites out of Egypt. He read how the Lord led them by a pillar of cloud during the day and a pillar of fire at night. We talked about how He still leads us today through the study of the Word and the guidance of the Holy Spirit.  He read how that rather leading them the shortest route to the land of Canaan, He diverted them toward the Desert of Sin, or the Sinai Peninsula because if they went through…