Set Your Mind: Prepare Your Mind

Over the course of this series I have shared with you some of the ways that I prepare for the Lord’s Day. I have done this because I know how difficult it is as mom’s to get our families ready, fed and out of the house and to the place of worship on time and most especially in the right frame of mind.
Set Your Minds: Prepare your Mind, Devotional Thoughts | Great Peace Academy
If you’ve been following you know that I have shared tips on preparing your home, preparing your clothing, and preparing your breakfast. Lest you think that I am only concerned with the physical preparations, I want to share with you the truth. I do all of these things to ease the transition, to clear the mental clutter so that my mind can focus upon worshiping the Father through Christ Jesus my Lord. 

Six Tips for Preparing the Mind for Worship

Pray without ceasing

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With that in mind I want to share with you tips on preparing the mind. After all, Colossians 3 tells us to “Set your minds on things above…
  1. As you prepare the physical think on the reason why you are working, serving your family so that God’s Word will not be blasphemed, Titus 2:5.
  2. Pray through the prep work, remember to be thankful that He has provided you with what is necessary to supply your families needs, food for the breakfast, clothes fit for wearing and homes which keep you safe and warm, ask the Lord to help you to set aside the clutter and to bring your mind into focus the worship of the Lord. Remember, that we are to: 

    Rejoice always, pray without ceasing, in everything give thanks; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you. Do not quench the Spirit. ” 1 Thessalonians 5:15-19.

  3. As you begin to finish up the working turn your thoughts from the prep to the spirit. Let your mind bring Christ into focus. Consider His life, His birth, His ministry, His last week, His last night as He prayed for YOU, John 17:20-23. He on that night when he was betrayed was concerned for you. He longs to be one with you as He is One with the Father. We are made perfect in our oneness with Him. Let your mind dwell on that, the becoming perfect in oneness with Him. Consider His love for you that while you were yet a sinner, He died for you, Romans 5:8.
  4. Get a good nights sleep. O.K. Honestly here, this is kind of hypocritical on my part. I’m not trying to be a hypocrite. I honestly have every desire and goal to make this a part of my preparation. The problem for me is that I have a bit of insomnia, and have most of my life. I’m working on it. So for me this one is a GOAL that I’m working on. But I do feel it is important because rest helps our minds to be able to focus better and that is the ultimate goal of why I am sharing these posts with you. To focus our minds on things above. Remember to go to the Lord in prayer before you go to sleep. So the last thing on your mind is the Lord.Prepare your minds for worship, pray into sleep. Devotional Thoughts at Great Peace Academy
  5. When you wake, Thank the Father. He has granted you another day of life. As you get up and get busy with the morning preparations, the actual cooking or putting together the breakfast meal, showers and dressing, etc. don’t neglect the Spirit. In fact, make Him a part of the morning routine. For us, that comes in the form of song. I often wake Little Man by singing “O Worship the King” or “This is the Day.” We also have hymns playing while we dress and especially while we are travelling to the assembly. This is one of the best prep tips I can give you. Doing this helps you to be filled with the Spirit, Ephesians 5:18, helping you to focus on Him rather than yourself.
  6. Don’t Neglect to Prepare your Mind in the Car. As you get in your vehicle and head out; eating your breakfast as you go, don’t neglect to say your prayer of thanksgiving for that meal. After all, he gave you all that you need to prepare that meal, and nothing is to be forbidden of you as long as you receive it with Thanksgiving. 1 Timothy 4:3,4. Oh, yeah and don’t forget to hit play on your hymn CD, MP3 or iPod. 
 As you think about the Lord remembering His great love for you. You will find that you are prepared to enter into worship, your heart will be ready to offer up praise to Him, glorifying the Father because of the son, with a grateful soul. 

Be sure to visit all of the Set Your Mind Series

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