20 Things to Say for a Stronger Marriage
The song, “Oh be Careful Little Eyes*” comes to my mind when I think of what to say in marriage. Specifically, “Oh be careful little mouth what you say.” When it comes to marriage, I think the tongue is one of the biggest pitfalls. Speaking in anger is a great danger. Not speaking truth, also a great danger.
The words we speak with our mouths can be used to build up or to tear down. If we want stronger marriages, we should seek to build up our love. It’s always important to consider the needs of your spouse as you speak. Remember they too have a heart, a soul, and feelings that can be hurt or that can be shored up.
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- I love you. Say this multiple times a day, not from compulsion, but with intention.
- Say goodbye and hello whenever you part and return to one another.
- I’m sorry.
- I forgive you.
- Thank you.
- Please…
- I’m honored when you….
- I admire your work…
- I appreciate…
- Can you help me with…
- I feel joyful when….
- I get upset/ hurt when…
- You are strong.
- I admire when you…
- I find your __ attractive. (Yes, it’s a good idea to compliment your man!)
- I love when you say___________.
- I love when you__________.
- I appreciate you for working to provide for our family.
- I feel __ when you help me to ___.
- What do you think about ____.
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