• How to Expand Gifted Learning Opportunities on a Budget | GreatPeaceAcademy.com #ihsnet
    Gifted Homeschool,  Homeschool

    How to Expand Gifted Learning Opportunities on a Budget

    Being mom to a child with gifted learning abilities can be so frustrating when your family lives on a tight homeschool budget. Because we have chosen homeschooling for our son’s education the entire responsibility for educating our learner is on us. Knowing that he has an insatiable thirst for more and more knowledge I’m constantly feeling behind the curve, as if I’ll never be able to fill the cup.   Add to that the family’s tight budget and I’m constantly feeling as if I have to balance fulfilling his need to learn with what we can and can’t afford to do. That can be so frustrating because I want to provide…

  • Gifted Learning Curiosity | Great Peace Academy
    Gifted Homeschool

    Gifted Learning Curiosity

    Encouraging a Desire to Learn Disclaimer: This post contains affiliate links for products you may purchase through external sites. I woke up to discover my son had been up for a while. As I made breakfast for myself, (he had already ate). I asked him what he was doing. His response surprised me. “I’m reading the encyclopedias.” Obviously, his learning curiosity has kicked in. “Oh, really? What are you reading?” “I wanted to know more about the states, so I’m going through the encyclopedias to learn about them.” I don’t know why I should be surprised, that’s something he used to do. He would learning curiosity about something and then figure out…