20 Things to Not Do to Protect Your Marriage
Marriage looks different in every relationship. Why? Because every marriage is made up of two unique individuals. As such, we all bring something different to the marriage. A husband has his own ideas of what a marriage is supposed to be, and a wife will have her own. Each of those individuals thoughts are unique and different from every other couple in the world. together they form a bond and learn to work and grow toward each other. At least that’s the goal. Sadly, though too many people get caught up in not working together. Rather, they find themselves working against each other. But, it doesn’t have to be this…
20 Things To Do for a Stronger Marriage
Do you sit around wondering why your marriage isn’t what you thought it would be? Are you ever hoping for a stronger marriage but aren’t sure what to do to get there? Remember how last week I shared that it starts with you? This week I’m sharing an important key to understanding how your marriage can be stronger. Over the years, I’ve come to understand this important thing and if you will really allow it to work in your heart you’ll begin to see that it changes everything. This one thing that I’ve come to understand over the nearly 25 years of my own marriage has changed my heart and I…
50 Awesome Marriage Quotes to Inspire Joy and Peace
Sometimes I like to pop in here to the blog and share a bit of marriage or family inspiration. I don’t know about your but I find great inspirational quotes to motivate me to love more, do more, and be a better wife, and mom. Which is why I’ve gathered 50 of my favorite marriage quotes to share with you. It’s no secret that I love my marriage. Believe me; I understand that marriage isn’t always easy; in fact it’s sometimes very hard. But joy, well, joy is something we choose regardless of circumstances. We decide that no matter what happens in life, what difficulty, or sorrow, or fear might come…
Intimacy In and Out of the Marriage Bed
Marriage Moment: In the Marriage Bed Part III Intimacy is one of those words that takes on different meanings to each person. For some it’s a reference to a close spiritual relationship that develops between two individuals, for others it’s about friendship, while for some it’s about the affectionate relationship. The reality is all of those definitions are true. In the adjective form of the word, each of those definitions are accurate. But, there is another, the use of the word characterized by privacy, closely personal, rising from a close personal connection or familiar experience. Then there is the form of the word that indicates a very private relationship, the sexual relationship. I’ve discussed the…
How to Prioritize your Relationship in the Marriage Bed
Marriage Moment: Love in the Marriage Bed Part II Last week I started a series for learning about the purpose of the marriage bed. This week I want to look forward to how to prioritize your relationship in the marriage bed. This means we are going to look at how and why joining with your husband, often, as one, is important, with tips for how to make it a priority. This post contains affiliate links to 3rd party sites where products may be purchased, such sales may result in paid compensation to this blogger. Setting Your Priorities for the Marriage Bed The Apostle Paul gives clear instruction for how we are…
Marriage Challenge: Marital Intimacy, Get a Sitter
For this Marriage Challenge we’re going to focus on being more purposeful about marital intimacy. It’s far too easy to get caught up in the day to day activities of our lives, especially, when we are homeschool mamas. From the time we wake we start the mommy process, morning hugs, making sure teeth get brushed, beds made, kids dressed, and then their is breakfast to pull together. Of course we have a timer (so to speak) going so that we get school started, field trips under our belts, co-ops, classes and errands run, all before rushing home to get dinner started so we can eat at a reasonable time. Then,…
Marriage Challenge Day 4: Commit to Prayer
Prayer is a powerful connection between you and the one who created you. What better way to grow in love with your husband than to bring him into your prayer as you fall before the Lord’s throne? God our Father longs for each of his children to come to Him in prayer. He cares for us, and wants us to desire to draw near to Him. When life’s burdens come your way, when struggles are present in your marriage, when finances are tight and job woes exist, the greatest thing you can do is to cast your care upon the Father, for He cares for you.
Marriage Challenge: Oh Be Careful with Your Mouth
In today’s Marriage Challenge we’re going to focus on what we say with our mouth. The mouth can be used for good, or it can destroy relationships. In your marriage, it’s best to be careful about what you speak. Do you remember the old children’s song Oh be careful little eyes? One of the verses in that song is Oh be careful little mouth what you say. That song reminds me so often to bite my tongue. This post contains affiliate advertisement links. In America we have the freedom of speech granting us the right to say what we think, feel, or opine. But should we? For “He who would love life And…