• Working Together in Marriage to Manage Finances | Renée at Great Peace #marriagemoments #marriage #husbandsandwives #marriagefinances #finances #ihsnet
    Blog,  Marriage Moments

    Working Together in Marriage to Manage Finances

    Managing your finances can be stressful enough when you are single and possibly even more so when you are in a marriage relationship. The truth is though, Working Together in Marriage to Manage Finances doesn’t have to be difficult. In fact, if done properly it can be a positive experience.  Working together to manages finances when you are married is important. This is because you must design a functional money management strategy that works for both of you. Money management in a relationship can be a source of contention if not done properly. In fact, many marriages result in divorce when finances aren’t managed correctly.  While some married couples have…

  • Teaching Finance Management Life Skills to Your Gifted Teen | Renée at Great Peace #ihsnet #homeschool #gifted
    Blog,  Gifted Homeschool,  Homeschool

    Teaching Finance Management Life Skills to Your Gifted Teen

    I’m continuing to explore life skills to teach gifted teens. As my son gets older there are some obvious ones that are presenting themselves, and others that I’m sure I’m likely to miss.  When it comes to life skills, finance management is a pretty important one.  This post contains affiliate links to 3rd party resources where products purchased may result in paid compensation for this blogger.  ► Day 2 – Finance Management Beginning to understand finance management starts with understanding the basics. Knowing the difference between income, expenses and how to balance the two is pivotal for money  Practical Money Skills Of course when teaching finance management any free resources make…